Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gathering With Sec Sch Peeps

I shall take a break from 刑事偵緝檔案 and blog outdated entries! Just gonna update the two gathering I had with my Secondary School Peeps!

One was overdue Dim Sum Late Night Supper while the other one, happened last Friday, Sentosa outing.

Went over to this Dim Sum shop for our late night supper;

I am sorry but please don't ask me where it is because Soon Guan drove us there. But if I am not wrong, it's at Geylang or Balestier.

One good big ass picture of me! :D

Love my hair! :D

We ordered quite a lot of food that day, the total damage was 100plus I think but it's worthwhile! The dim sum was damn nice! Especially the Xiao Long Bao! Oh the egg tarts are delicious too!

All of them thinking what to order.

The amount of food we ordered.

The delicious egg tart I mentioned earlier!

Some pumpkin stuff which I didn't eat at all but both Wilson and Weiming say it's good!

This is one of the must try food! All of us keep snatching for it!

Gossip Group photo!

Yong Quan! Erm, this supper was also a belated birthday celebration for him too! Hence, so many photo of him!

Addicted to iPhone game ah!

Show you all last two picture of Weiming doing butt dance in Soon Guan's Van.


Last Friday went over to Sentosa for some sun tanning session! I actually was reluctant to go as I just got back from Brunei that morning! Was very tired but luckily I went as I am able to get some tan!

Just have to show you one big ass picture of me with the sky and sand! Ya! I very "hiao" (Vain) one!

With Weiming!

Food that they bought and prepared! There's seaweed chicken, nuggets etc!

Celebrated Weiming's advance 22nd Birthday on that day too with this delicious strawberry cheese cake! The cake was freaking delicious I tell you!


Trying to block the wind from blowing away the candle fire.


Some more camwhore picture using Pudding App.

With Weiming again! :D

After that we went over to Serangoon's Dessert Bowl (around Chomp Chomp there...) to have our dessert.

Yummy durian dessert! Sorry, I forgot what's the full name for this dessert but you must really try this if you are durian lover! $5! But it taste great!

That's all! Look out for my USS entry! :D