Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hand Made Angry Bird Recycle Bag

See that picture above? It's a recycle bag just in case you don't know and I think that most of you find it cute right? (Well, so far all my friends find that graphic adorable...)

LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT! THAT CUTE LITTLE THING IS DRAWN BY ME! Yes! I bought a recycle bag from Daiso and decided to draw that thing on it! Cute right?

But I don't know why when my friends first see it, they don't believe it was drawn by me! They thought I bought it somewhere! It's really drawn by me lah!

And recently, I am kinda obsessed with Angry Birds merchandise and I figured out that I shall go get one more recycle bag and draw an angry bird on it! It will be pretty cute and cool!

But I bet no one will believe it's drawn by me if I really go ahead with that this entry is a proof that I draw an angry bird on a recycle bag!

First, you need to buy a recycle bag which you can get it from Daiso for only $2! You need poster colours to colour your angry bird! Actually you do not need scissor lah! The scissor was there because I used it to cut the label from my angry bird plushie. Lol

The next thing I did was to draw the angry bird on the recycle bag and I try to centralised it so it will look nicer.

And after drawing, I start to fill in the colour with poster colours.

My red angry bird! Dulan Jiao!

Decided to draw the green piglet in because I felt it's kinda empty...

The end product! Cute a not? Lol!

Acting cute with my hand made Angry Bird Recycle Bag! Dulan Jiao Dai!

I think hor, I actually can draw somemore and start a blogshop and sell them! Sell them one for $3! Not a bad idea hor!

I think it's damn cute lah! If you notice, I also added one green piglet keychain on the bag! DAMN CUTE RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I am gonna use it this Tuesday when I go USS! :D