Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inside the 2011 Flower & Garden Festival Center

No, we didn't forget about going around the Festival Center this year! That is why today we are presenting you some pictures from Epcot's 18th Flower & Garden Festival Center! Enjoy!:

Always adorned with beautiful flowers, of course:

Inside, a green wall welcomes us:

The pavilion in general looks much better than usual, thanks to the sponsor, HGTV:

The Festival Center's MAP:

Flower & Garden banners:

A look around the pavilion:

She was quite famous, or at least she appeared to be famous:

A nice, themed wall this year, with photos of flower and great, natural landscapes:

In the HGTV theater, they were presenting a show about plants and flowers:

A nice workshop area:

The Festival Stage:

Exiting the festival center:

And that is all, for this year!
Check back for more updates, coming soon! Remember to join our Facebook page too, to remain as up-to-date as possible, when it comes to news about the parks! Thank you, and have a great day!