Tout sur l’Algerie
30'03'2011 - Violent clashes between young protesters and security forces took place on the morning of Wednesday March 30 in Kaf Lhmer, a town situated 40 km (about 25 miles) from the capital of the governorate (wilaya) El Bayed. The protesters were demonstrating yesterday outside the offices of the People's Regional Congress (APC) calling for employment, housing and the dissolution of the APC. “A squadron of police from the governorate of Saida were deployed. The clashes began around nine o'clock in the morning and are continuing", says Hassan Bouras, a member of the regional office of the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADDH). “The police intervention was extremely violent. They beat the rioters, but also citizens who were nearby when the riot started” he says. This forceful intervention left more than twenty injured, one seriously, according to a witness.