Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Magic Kingdom Update - New, Minor Additions

Are you ready to discover a lot (really, a lot) of minor, yet interesting news from this ever-changing theme park? Then, let's start right away, with our newest Magi Kingdom update!

It looks empty, doesn't it? Well, it was not:

Magic Kingdom's security check booths:


Overview of the area, which is always fantastic:

We shouldn't see this from Main Street:

The Town Square Theater:

NEW! - Banners have finally been added to the Town Square Theater's entrance, and they look much better than the old one, with huge chains:

They look very nice:

Wait time to meet Mickey:

Wait time to meet  the Disney Princesses:

NEW! - The Curtain Calls Collectibles shop has been expanded a bit:

Do you remember that this area was empty?:

NEW! - Work continues on the Confectionery, that has received a new BLUE look!:

Notice the blue on the borders:

NEW! - The small corner between the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Hall is once again open:

It remained as a location for minor meet-and-greets:

A better view of the area:

They've added beautiful flowers, and if you sit here, you will hear Main Street's music very clearly! Great relaxing spot (when there are no meet-and-greets, of course):

NEW? - Are these Tinker Bell balloons new? I've never seen them before:

The projectors are still un-themed:


NEW! - The smaller bridge to the side of the new Adventureland bridge is gone:

Yep, nothing has been left:

That's why! There's a meet-and-greet with Angelica, a character from "Pirates of the Caribbeans 4"!:

That's her:

The Tiki Room is still closed, of course:

The lights were open:

Pirates had a long line...

Tortuga Tavern:

NEW! - A Tortuga Tavern themed sign that tells people that the restaurant is... closed:

NEW! - The restrooms that had been closed  for months and months are back open!:

Inside, the theming is as great as the rest of the land (no worries, I didn't take pictures of the rest of the bathrooms!):


Splash Mountain:

NEW! - Work on Tom Sawyer's Island's bridge is done:

NEW! - The Diamond Horseshoe was open for DINNER!:

It looks beautiful with the tablecloths!:


Light missing...


A special Fantasyland update is coming soon! Stay tuned!


Nothing to report at this time. Please, check back here for more news in the future.


Have you ever seen a ticket machine being worked on? Then, this is your chance to see one!:

Insert A in part B:

Many of these light-up balloons were added, to make sure that the huge amount of people that would have got out of the park (after the fireworks) would not feel lost:

New plants have been added to the bus area:

Work is almost done on the new monorail beam:

Thank you so much for viewing!
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