Apr 1, 2011 | DNA - Hundreds of immigrants have fled in the last hours of the reception of Manduria camp, installed by the Italian Government in the southern region of Puglia to accommodate much of illegal immigrants arriving from North Africa.
Many of the immigrants who manage to escape are directed towards the North of the country, and today a group of about forty Tunisians from Bari, town near the camp, was detected by the authorities in the station of Milan, added the newspaper.
Leakage intensified Friday as the low height of the fences surrounding the complex joined a hole in one of them through which escaped several dozen people.
This morning, 1,716 people arrived in Manduria from the island of Lampedusa on Board of the ship “excelsior”, while in the last hours it docked at the port of Taranto, close to the camp, the ship “catania”, with 600 people, although their transfer by bus to downtown is delaying until that authorities consider that the conditions are the appropriate.