Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ten Simple things you can do this Earth Day

Ten Simple things you can do this Earth Day

Earth Day is April 22nd, so in honor of Earth Day, I have compiled a list of 10 easy things you can do, to help keep our earth luscious and green! Every one person who does even one thing on this list makes a difference!

I am by no means a “granola nut, Birkenstock wearing, tree hugger” however, I do have kids and I want their planet to be a good, healthy place to live! So go on, pick one- I dare you… Who knows, you might even develop a good habit or something…

1. Slow The Flow

A faucet leaking just one drop per second wastes over 1,300 gallons per year! Most repairs to plumbing fixtures pay for themselves within just a year. Fix it!

2. Think Green When You Clean

Choose nontoxic, naturally derived cleaning products, which are proven effective but won’t cause long term damage to the Earth.

3. Give Weeds A ‘Hand’

Herbicides aren’t the only way to control weeds, and they’re certainly not the most environment-friendly way! Invest in a good pair of gloves and garden tools, and remove weeds by hand. Also, choose natural alternatives to pesticides for getting rid of pests!

4. Walk, Hike, Ride A Bike

If people in the U.S. would occasionally ride a bike for a short errand instead of driving a car, over 70 million gallons of fuel could be saved each year! And there’s the added benefit of enjoying the fresh air and exercise! For short errands, take a hike!

5. Plant A Tree Every Earth Day!

Over a 50-year lifetime, a tree generates $31,250 worth of oxygen, provides $62,000 worth of air pollution control, recycles $37,500 worth of water, and controls $31,250 worth of soil erosion. It also provides shade that keeps homes and cities cooler!

6. Reduce, Reuse Recycle

It’s more than just a slogan. You can start making the world a ‘greener’ place today: return hangers to the cleaners, donate clothing and computers to charities, pack lunches in reusable containers instead of bags, there are hundreds of easy things to do! It’s up to you!

7. Paper not Plastic

For once at the Grocery store, when they ask- say paper please! I know it is less convenient, but there are a lot of non-toxic, biodegradable re-uses for those paper bags! There is no doubt that plastics are notoriously bad. Americans dispose of 10.5 million tons of plastic garbage every year!

8. Go Vegetarian for one day a week

Put down the meat, and cook Alfredo with mushrooms… Tofu sandwiches..or even grilled veggie burgers! There are actually some great tasting recipes for meatless dinners- and I guarantee you won’t miss it as much as you think!

9. Buy Local Fruit & Veggies

Food sold in American supermarkets has to travel an average of 1,500 miles to get from the farm to your plate. Buying locally not only supports your local economy, but cuts out the massive amounts of energy used to store and transport the products across the world

10.Lighten Your Energy Bill

Turn off the lights, the computer and the television when they are not in use. Using only highly efficient and money-saving appliances can reduce the electricity consumption of an average household to one-10th of the national average.

earth day 2011,Simple things you can do this Earth Day,earth day quotes

Related link:- What you can do this Earth Day