Thursday, April 28, 2011

UK - Anti-anarchist raids in London and Brighton


28/04/2011 - Breaking news, more updates as we receive them:
Metropolitan police have raided several squatted autonomous centres in London, in a media-spectacle in which the pigs promise more raids. The raids are apparently in connection with the 26 March TUC demo / Black Bloc and the pathetic Royal wedding this weekend which has been hyped up.
The Ratstar squat in South London was amongst those raided, as were 2 nearby squats. Also Offmarket squat in Hackney and Grow Heathrow squat were raided. Current reports are that 14 people are arrested so far. No one has been charged yet. The arrested are being held at Harrow Road Policestation.
On Wednesday March 27 police officers from the Metropolitan and Sussex police forces raided a squat in Brighton and arrested seven people. This was also allegedly connected with the TUC demo / Black Bloc.
a few bits of news from Camberwell, South London..
THE RATSTAR and neighbouring squats were subjected to a massive police blitz both inside and outside in the street involving at times 15 anti-riot vanloads of cops, forensics vans, plain clothes scum cars etc. The Job Centre car park was requisitioned, as well as the neighbouring bus park. Vans also lined the small road opposite leading to Camberwell Court, and Camberwell Road itself was lined with a parade of vehicles. Camberwell Green has been under seige all day. Three of the Ratstar comrades were kept in handcuffs and standing against a wall at the back of the Job Centre behind two cop vans for six hours. Fortunately people outside in the street became aware of this obscenity thanks to a couple of bus drivers. They have now been released without charge. Eight others were arrested and taken to Harrow Road police station. Groups of riot cops in macho posturing were scattered on both sides of the road. Local and national media turned up. Comrades from all over London arrived steadily throughout the morning and have gathered in and around Camberwell Green. More news later.