Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hello All Pulpsters!! It's Tommy, exhausted but happy to be reporting on Windy City Pulp and Paper Con once again...Big day at the con, lots of people...Several of the new pulp publishers had decent days and of course, all the old pulp collectors and such made good sells and trades as well.

Will Murray signed autographs and, along with Radio Archives and Moonstone, gave away to a lucky winner, whose name I did not get unfortunately, a huge poster of the cover of the first Radio Archives Doc Savage audio book, PYTHON ISLE, out this June!!

Lots of connections were made, discussions had ideas bandied about.  I personally made a purchase that may lead to a little known pulp type character reemerging, but we shall see.   Several possible new additions to the guest list as well for Pulp Ark showed themselves today, including the one I'm most excited about  Frank Coffman, an Illinois college professor is also a leading expert on the poetry of Robert E. Howard and if schedules do not conflict, will be attending Pulp Ark next month and doing a classroom on Howard's poetry and then another on how to write pulp poetry! Awesome stuff happening at Windy City!  More tomorrow!