AMC Downtown Disney will officially open its new Dine-In Theaters tomorrow, that is, Monday, May 16, 2011, and while we of OTPN don't plan on trying them tomorrow (but we will, soon!), we want to give you a glimpse of the service they currently offer, directly from Walt Disney World:
AMC dine-in theaters take center stage

Starting May 16 guests will be able to watch the latest movies while enjoying food and beverages at AMC Downtown Disney 24 located at Downtown Disney West Side. Combining restaurant cuisine and cocktails with AMC Theater's immersive movie theatre experience, AMC Dine-In Theatres will debut Fork & Screen, the only theatre of its kind in the Orlando area.
"We are excited to present AMC Downtown Disney as another one of our flagship AMC Dine-In Theatres," said Gerry Lopez, chief executive officer and president, AMC. "Since the launch of this concept, we've received tremendous feedback from our guests about the enhanced experience and variety of food and beverage options. More than 90 percent of our surveyed guests who attended a Dine-In location said it met or exceeded their expectations."

AMC Dine-In Theatresoffers a meal-and-a-movie option and a bar and lounge in six auditoriums. The experience will include casual, in-theatre dining; upgraded reserved seating; table-top dining; and seat-side service and a personal call button that discreetly alerts a server. The extensive menu will include a wide array of entrees such as quesadillas; burgers; flatbread pizzas; grilled sandwiches; house specialties; as well as appetizers and desserts. A variety of alcoholic and nonalcoholic specialty drinks, beer and wine also will be available.
MacGuffins Bar & Lounge, a full-service bar and lounge area inside AMC Downtown Disney 24, will feature a variety of beer, wine, cocktails and the full Dine-In Theatremenu, including appetizers and desserts. MacGuffins Bar & Loungeguests must be at least 18 years old, and minors accompanied by a parent or guardian (at least age 21) are welcome.

"This is truly a flagship location for AMC, and I can think of no better place for it to be than Downtown Disney," said Keith Bradford, vice president, Downtown Disney Area. "When we first began talking about bringing the Dine-In Theatres concept to Disney, I knew that it would be a perfect fit for our property, adding to the diversity of our portfolio at Downtown Disney."
Ticket prices range from $6-$13, depending on day of week and showtime, for the Dine-in Theatre experience. Menu items start at $6.59-$8.99 for appetizers and adult entrees range from $8.59-$11.99.

For specific pricing information, including value and discounted pricing for the Dine-In Theatresat AMC Downtown Disney 24, visit (click on the Downtown Disney 24 link).
Truly great addition to Downtown Disney's movie theaters! As we said before, we will not be able to attend the grand opening for the new Dine-In Theaters, but you can be sure that we will try them as soon as in the next few weeks! Please, check back here for updates, and take a look at this link for more info on these Dine-In Theaters!