Saturday, May 14, 2011

black ops prestige emblems xbox

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  • Hellhammer
    Mar 13, 01:39 PM
    I didn't say that they didn't have the need (though I'm betting that they'll turn to green energy, in larger part, when they begin the rebuilding process; solar, wind, etc...).

    I just questioned how well thought out the idea was to build these plants in an area that is highly susceptible to volcanic activity.

    Roscoe Wind Farm, which is the largest wind farm in the world, provides only 781.5 MW of power while Fukushima I for example, provides 4.7 GW (over six times as much). That wind farm takes 400km^2 so a wind farm that could replace the Fukushima I would take 2400km^2.

    The largest solar power plant provides only 97 MW so even worse.

    In the end, earthquake like this doesn't happen that often. Hopefully Japan and other countries learn from this and improve their protection against earthquakes.

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  • bartzilla
    Apr 20, 08:17 AM
    One thing I would say, as someone who didn't "switch" but who uses both quite comfortably, is that you need to appreciate how the system works and try and work with it rather than against it, so rather than saying "This is how I used to do things in Windows, now what can I do on a Mac that's similar to the way I used to do it in Windows" you need to think about what you're trying to achieve and find out what neat ways the mac has of getting that done.

    This goes both ways, trying to use Windows as if it was Mac OSX isn't much fun, either.

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  • benixau
    Oct 10, 11:29 AM
    Dear lord,

    If you have any heart for 25 million of your wiser men, please make apple use the power4 chip at lightning speeds, and please lord, do it soon. It is becoming hard for us mac men to defend ourselves.

    PS. If you could give me a brand new top of the line mac while your at it i wouldnt mind either.

    Edit: There is no blasphemy intended here

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  • Emblems For Cod Black Ops.

  • takao
    Mar 14, 06:17 PM
    there seem to be news breaking of an explosion at reactor 2 but without any more specifics so far

    edit: at the press conference the press seems to be 'tearing them a new one'

    so far from i have gathered:
    - explosion noises from the suppression pool
    - pressure in the suppression pool dropping (but might be damaged gauge)
    - personal is evacuated except direct operaters and personal required for water injections (even evacuated from reacter 1+3 operations)
    - 2.7 meters of the fuel rods exposed

    tecpo constantly trying to dodge questions on wether serious damages have been done to the containment vessel

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  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 03:23 PM
    Yes it would. Ever heard of economies of scale? If Apple told Intel "we want to buy 600.000 Woodcrests from you", they would get a nice discount. Spread that purchase over several different CPU's, and the discount is not that nice anymore. Furtermore, having two different CPU's, two different chipsets and two different types of RAM in single line of computers, is going to make inventory-management and maintentance quite a bit more expensive than having single lineup with one type of compoennts.

    This may be the case for say HP or Gateway , however Apple is Intel's new Darling and gets the best deal in the industry , so good infact that it prompted Dell to no longer feature Intel as it's exclusive chip vendor and as a resuld Dell will be introducing AMD based Desktops in August just to spite Intel for doing this.

    No matter how u configure a machine a Single CPU Woodcrest will never be as cost effiecient as a Conroe. Not to mention the need for ECC-ram , and expensive EPS12 PSU and Server Mobo.

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  • NT1440
    Apr 24, 06:50 PM
    Most Islamic countries are not inhabitable by homosexuals or religious minorities, your mileage may vary.

    The biggest muslim population right now is Indonesia, and they tried banning Christians from using Allah to describe their God. They're also trying to ban the Ahmadiyah sect...

    I don't think France or Britain are responsible for Iran's strict implementation of Islamic law and ruthless persecution of dissidents, and to claim that they are responsible is insulting to Muslims because it implies they're far too reactionary to deal with anything using Reason. Just like people who want to ban qur'an burnings and blasphemy because they're afraid of how muslims might react. Are Muslims animals who are so easily goaded? No, they're human beings so they should be expected to act responsibly and not go on rampages at the slightest provocation.
    @ the underlined: It's almost like I couldn't even see you move the goalposts :rolleyes:

    As for your rant at the end, you've completely missed my point, then used your very own to rant against with your twisted logic. In fact, it was the same exact tactic I was laughing hysterically (in a morbid way) about listening to Hannity in the car last night.

    Have fun with your misunderstandings.

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  • lack ops prestige badges.

  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 05:43 PM
    I could really care less about breaking some DRM law or "international copyright law". I would love to see them try to enforce it.

    Just because a man can do a thing does not mean that he should do that thing. Whether or not you will get caught breaking the law is irrelevant to whether what you are doing is or is not legal. I can go to the supermarket or gas station and steal a bag of ice from outside without getting caught, but it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay. You might say it's not a big deal--it only costs a dollar, and anyway the supermarket makes tons of money off the other things that they sell, and they probably don't deserve all that money because they underpay their employees.

    Moral relativism and justification might make you feel fine about doing it, but it's still wrong and it's still illegal. If you don't care, that's your thing.

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  • Moyank24
    Mar 25, 11:18 AM
    I am a firm believer in that you are entitled to your own opinion, as long as you dont force your opinion on others.

    So someone doesnt like the idea of gay relationships, attacking him for this isnt going to change his opinion. And just makes you a cretin.

    I hardly think he is being attacked. He entered this thread willingly and joined the discussion. Of course, we are all entitled to our own opinions. Unfortunately, his opinions and those of the people like him are directly resulting in my civil rights being violated. We are cretins because we want things changed?

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  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 24, 11:15 AM
    ..... If he does exist one must assume that he intends the Bible to be read literally. If he didn't then why did he go through the whole bother of having it written by the disciples in the first place if people were just going to change and reinterpret it willy nilly based on whatever the current political or social ideals of the time are?

    not at all......God is perfectly aware that people make mistakes. Indeed, they can't be trusted to get anything perfectly right, so if God wanted the Bible to have been taken literally, he have written it out himself and wouldn't have involved people in the project in the first place

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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 08:17 PM
    Sorry for all the posts. I seem to have more opinions and questions than usual today.

    Will it be possible for a third party software company to write a front-end client for the iTunes Music Store that plays by "the rules" (paying for purchases, allowing or applying DRM) but has other features that iTunes lacks, in a way that wouldn't be a problem for Apple?

    I'll make up an dopey example. Maybe there's a use for an auto-purchasing tool that waits for a certain time (e.g., the exact release day/time of a new tune) and then purchases the song. Must it be written by scripting iTunes or could it work standalone? Can Apple permit this without a risk to its business?

    iTunes is a cross-platform jack of all trades, for purchasing music, organizing music, playing music, handling iPods, interfacing with other iApps, etc. I think it's a very well done application, but it's a shame if the DRM issue prevents the free market from trying to produce a better mousetrap for any of these functions, including interfacing with the store, because what could be an open interface must be closed.

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  • Black Ops Prestige Emblems .

  • SPUY767
    Mar 19, 08:31 PM
    You are one of the few moral and sane individuals who I see on this server. People who see beyond this robin hood mentality that permeates the computer world like a plague. People don't seem to feel as though they have done anything wrong when they have stolen something that is not physical.

    Now I won't sit here and claim that I have never ever stolen music or software. I have downloaded my fair share of warez in my day, we all have. To deny that is to deny the very thing that makes us human. Ok, maybe not, but I'm not going to play holier than thou. Software companies, however get it, where movie companies don't. Software companies understand that they aren't Losing money by having software pirated (with the exception of game publishers, and office style software.) The fact is, that five to ten years ago, when i warezed it up, and stole a copy of say, Photoshop, and FinalCutPro 1, the software company was not losing money. Why? Because there is no way that I would have purchased the software did I not steal it. It was a zero sum game then. Now, that I use Photoshop, FCP, DVD SP, and a load of other expensive apps, (My computer is worth a third of what the software installed on it is,) for business purposes, I purchase them legally. Most businesses do the same thing.

    Recording companies should realize the same thing. I have never downloaded a song that i would have purchased could I not have downloaded it. If I like something enough to buy it, the I buy it. Recodring companies don't lose that much to file sharing for that very reason. People download music as a preview a majority of the time. Give the rate faeces that the recording companies want to release, thank god for that ability too. My rant is over, I'm getting bored.


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  • Chappers
    Mar 13, 11:38 AM
    That is far more destruction than the power station could bring.

    I'm not against nuclear power but it is a bit more difficult to clear up after a bad nuclear leak and the risks to health from that leakage have the potential to be felt for a lot longer.

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  • COD7 Black Ops Prestige

  • ricgnzlzcr
    Oct 25, 11:08 PM
    Right. According to Apple's current pricing, the 2.33GHz Dual Clovertown would be +$800 IF they offer it. However, Apple may only offer the 2.66GHz Dual Clovertown for + $1100 and keep the rest of the offerings priced as they are now.

    That way they keep the top 8-core more expensive than any of the less expensive and way less powerful 4-core models. From a marketing point of view this makes a lot more sense to me - since I plan on buying the Dual 2.66GHz Clovertown for +$1100, total $3599 BASE or more if they insist. This is one time when I don't care how much it costs - I need it NOW.

    I would understand how your Quad G5 is getting a tad on the slow side;) . I feel pretty intense with my single 1 ghz G4.

    Unlike me though, you actually require that processor power. Can't wait till you post your impressions of your OctoMac within an hour of getting it!!

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  • Peace
    Sep 12, 05:54 PM
    To help quell confusion this device WILL be 802.11n

    There will be no problem streaming DVD quality or even 720P

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  • gopher
    Oct 9, 01:59 PM
    Even more interesting was the advertisement from Apple when the Blue and White G3 came out, and how cool the case was when it opened so simply, they said the "Mac was more open-minded." What amazes me though is there are still just as many Windows users who are biggots in this world as Mac users who are, or even more so. Being though in the minority as we are, Mac users feel all the more need to defend themselves against this biggotted crowd. Apple is trying its hardest to level the playing field by its Switch campaign, and show that it is on the same playing field so that Windows users can't ignore us and demean us with lies, fabrications, and these myths. Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose? How do we fight ignorance? I work with PCs only because the job I enjoy the most is run by an organization that is biased against Macs, and I'm not in the position to decide how to move Macs into the organization. But it certainly doesn't help to have people who would bad mouth the Mac. It makes us feel more in the minority and feel more the need to defend ourselves. Let's stop this attrocity. Show them what the Mac can do, and it is a viable solution. And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 29, 11:17 PM
    I think people are missing the point....

    Anyway who really gives a crap what a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippies think.

    I know I don't :cool:

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  • TimUSCA
    Sep 20, 02:01 PM
    TiVo will also charge you $12.95 every month (or $299 every two years) for the rest of your life for the privilege of using their box.

    It used to be $300 for a lifetime subscription on TiVo... they took it away though.

    black ops prestige emblems xbox. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 10:23 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.

    First of all, with subscription models, Apple doesn't have a constant income vs content distributed ratio. They'll lose money on those who use it a lot and only *maybe* gain on those who don't. This is as opposed to the current model where Apple earns a lot of money on those who use it a lot, not as much on those who don't, but are least it's the same rate, no matter who you are. Non-subscription models offer more freedom.

    I'm pretty sure that if you want to watch a show, Apple wants you to buy it from them at full price. That way they don't have to deal with whoever might be watching a ton of shows vs those who aren't. They ensure their profitability this way.

    ...and when it comes to iTunes Music, their profit margins are slim to begin with.


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  • Popeye206
    Apr 9, 08:45 AM
    And the Eco system grows. I love it!

    I really feel that Gaming will eventually be one of the things that really make the iOS devices fly even more than now. :) Love it!

    Apr 13, 07:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not every video professional has the desire or the ability to take off of work and attend NAB. Their opinions and concerns on new products demo'd that they use every day or might purchase for their business at the show are just as valid as people who decided to attend.

    NAB isn't a pilgrimage. You aren't required to drop everything and attend.

    Apr 20, 07:58 PM
    Ah yes, the ever present "Android users must be smarter because they can customize their phones more" argument. It's still as irritating and off-base as it always was. :rolleyes:

    It's really cool when you over-clock it and put in a terabyte drive!!! Real phone users can do that!

    May 2, 03:20 PM
    LOL. I got scared for a second since Pro Tools is dumb and doesn't like non-privileged accounts so I run as admin. But this "threat" requires so many clicks that it is ridiculous.

    Apr 20, 09:00 PM
    Windows has an option to hide such files. OS/X does not.
    Apparently Lion will support that, somewhat. From reading the dev preview thread comments, the default view in Finder doesn't show the user's Library folder anymore.

    Sep 26, 10:43 AM

    I know they're making a PCI Express, DDR2, SATA II version though. Old news to me...Thanks but that looks like it's only of PCs. Do you know it works in Mac G5 Quads and Mac Pros?

    I went to the GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO website and it looks like they don't even make that i-RAM card any more. The link to the above article is from July 25, 2005 more than a year ago.