Saturday, May 14, 2011

coloring pages for adults

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  • leekohler
    Mar 28, 10:01 AM
    And I doubt you'd say, "Hi. I'm Bill McEnaney and I'm heterosexual. Pleased to meet you."

    So I'm not sure what point you were trying to make there.

    Exactly. I didn't get it either.

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  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:12 PM
    Originally posted by Abercrombieboy
    Alex ant has made some good points on why Macs are a poor buy. They are so much slower and less stable then PC's these days according to everything I read.
    Macs aren't a poor buy, though... they're only a poor buy if your primary concern is maximum performance. I doubt they're any less stable than PCs. They are slower, but in my experience they are much more enjoyable computers to use. You will have to weigh your need for performance against this.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 01:48 PM
    The things we hope are reality and things that actually are reality often times greatly differ. People sing the praises of wind and solar, but the honest to God truth is that they can't compete. Not even close.

    This isn't about competition. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear have already lost the competition because they run out. We need to prepare for that now, even if the most optimistic estimates of our non-renewable energy reserves are accurate.

    You also forget (or refuse) to recognize the possiblity that our current level of energy usage is wholly unsustainable and should not be considered a baseline target for future energy projects. The fact is we use far too much power per capita and we all need to use less, so that existing non-renewable resources can be stretched further, and so that renewable sources will eventually be sufficient to meet our needs. Someday the party will be over.

    Let the free market determine which technologies win. Stop wasting our money on advancing idiotic technologies which haven't been able to prove themselves after 20+ years of subsidies. If there's wealth to be earned by developing such a technology, it will be developed.

    Worrying about wealth before all as usual - it says so much about you, fivepoint.

    The free market cares about risk, profit and cost. It doesn't give a damn about the fact that non-renewable sources are limited. Your vaunted free market teaches the adage "make hay while the sun shines" (or oil flows). The fact that expensive, currently unprofitable but extremely far-sighted planning for the future must be done just doesn't compute for people like you who think only in terms of cost and profit. The free market should never be allowed to dictate energy policy on it's own because its focus is singularly narrow and shortsighted.

    I'm not arguing for MORE oil production necessarily, I'm arguing for government to stay out of the freaking way and allow the free market to determine what we want/need more of.

    Under this scenario there is no incentive for increased efficiency in fuel consumption, only increased efficiency in petroleum extraction. From a business perspective it's great (Hooray Exxon). Apart from than that its damnably irresponsible.

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  • steve_hill4
    Jul 12, 06:13 AM
    Because 105% of Mac-users have bought Photoshop Elements bundled with a digital camera. 95% of those never bother to upgrade to full version and 82% of those never use the software anyway. Oh, and 67% of statistics are made on spot ;)
    I thought it was 88.2%?


    Actually from a Guinness ad, which also stated men think of sex every 6 seconds, before cutting to a revolving pint glass, with a half second flash of a woman in lingerie about half way through.

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  • whooleytoo
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    Make up your mind what you want to count iPads as. Damn is it a mobile device a computer. Someone give them a ****ing category already.

    Hah, exactly.

    I think it's unnecessarily divisive to argue whether or not an iPad is a "PC" or not. It's a device sold. You can count it in the "PC" category, along with Macs, or "Mobile" category, along with iPhones and MacBooks, or "Larger than pocket devices", along with Macs but excluding iPhones/iTouches.

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  • deannnnn
    May 6, 10:07 PM
    For christ's sake -- Arn, why not make a sticky for people who's phones work?

    It's difficult for people who do not live in New York City to understand this issue. You should be happy that your iPhone works for you where you live, not upset at people who have difficulties with it.

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  • Bakey
    Jul 12, 01:47 AM
    I guess time will tell, but Apple needs to get something kickass out the door around WWDC. I think we have all been waiting for hte final piece in the puzzle: pro laptops - covered, consumer laptops - covered, consumer desktop - covered, pro desktops - waiting...

    Pro desktops are not quite the last piece of the puzzle! PowerMac replacements and xServes are all that are needed to make "the circle complete".

    The iBook, PowerBook, iMac, eMac and Mac mini have all had/have their Intel equivalents as we all know... here's to waiting! And like so many on these forums my CC is clear and ready to melt... ;)

    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    I guess they may install integrated graphic chipsets as an option for the 'new' range of xServes [although I'm guessing IG won't be an option - rather they're already there with option of over-riding them via a dedicated graphics card]; I'm obviously speculating and thinking along the lines that the majority of xServe installs are simply that 'installs' and not graphic workhorses, etc.

    Either way, the countdown to WWDC has begun...!! :D

    coloring pages for adults. Hard Coloring Pages For Adults
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  • WilliamBos
    Apr 14, 05:34 PM
    After getting a new mini for my b-day, I have to wait until tomorrow to use it, as I need the apple only DVI-VGA adapter. Aftermarket stuff don't work... :(

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:16 AM
    Don't forget it's thought the Caliph Umar ordered the burning of the Library at Alexandria.Among other theories:Destruction

    Ancient and modern sources identify four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria:
    Julius Caesar's Fire in The Alexandrian War, in 48 BC
    The attack of Aurelian in the 3rd century AD;
    The decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in AD 391;
    The Muslim conquest in 642 AD or thereafter.

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  • tsboy69
    Nov 15, 01:10 AM
    I was very happy with the IPhone 4 vs. my 3G - much less dropped calls, faster, etc. etc. This was in June

    For the past few months though, the service seems to have gotten worse in the Los Angeles area - I drop a ton these days.....

    That being said, I will admit I have a Vapor case on the phone and that is probably part of the issue....

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  • bludragon06
    Sep 11, 10:54 AM
    I have not read the whole thread here but I must say coming from an iPhone 3g to the iPhone 4 is a night and day difference. I love my iPhone 4. I think since I have had it I have had about 5 total dropped calls. I have had it since late July. I had that many dropped calls in a day with my 3g. I just had to add this in cause I see people complain about the same thing all the time. Dropped call this and dropped call that. Frankly I don't see it. Maybe I just have the super iPhone. LOL! Just my .02 worth!

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 04:47 PM
    Are the action of a few countries a representative of Islam?

    the actions of "a few countries" that are many miles apart (so by all rights should have different cultures) but have one thing in common, ie islam, are a representation of the effects of islam.

    islam is unpleasant and, i guess for want of a better word, evil.

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  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 9, 06:36 AM
    Oh, and try to be more mature in your reply next time please. That was uncalled for and childish.

    actually the post was funny and to the point, your coming across as arrogant and ill informed.

    coloring pages for adults. Coloring Pages For Adults
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  • bigwig
    Oct 27, 05:43 PM
    That is simply false. The schedular in Mac OS X handles 8 cores just fine... what Applications do with them in a different story.
    Scaling isn't really a product of your scheduler, it's a product of eliminating bottlenecks to multiple threads of execution. I'm glad that Apple is working on this. I didn't come up with this from whole cloth or animosity towards Apple, I saw several benchmarks showing how poorly OSX scaled, which I hope are now out of date.

    I mentioned SGI several times here because I used to do kernel work for them, so I have a real good idea what it takes to scale performance on large (256-1024 CPU) systems. Btw, that's not a cluster, that's a single kernel being shared by all processors.

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  • Don't panic
    Mar 15, 10:23 AM
    Obviously, it wouln't be "all at once" and these types of things never happen in one single "foreign land". But history is wrought with many resettling of peoples, the Jews is just one example. This actually happens a lot for "unnatural" disasters like war and stuff.

    If this situation blows up more and more, heck, humans haven't even dealt with such a potential disaster outcome before. It's actually purely "unnatural" at it's roots. There isn't any natural deposit of refined radioactive uranium/plutonium/whatever that we've encountered on earth before. This is purely man-made and is not supposed to exist. I mean, what is there to do in such a case? I know GM, Microsoft, Motorola et al may have a field day if the Japanese just disapeared, but hey, there's added value elsewhere that many nations would value in having their human and physical assets close.

    i can't believe i am even answering this, and i am bewildered by the fact that you might actually be seriously thinking what you are writing.

    anyway, even the worst case scenario -a complete meltdown of all four reactors- is not even remotely close to the apocalyptic pictures you have in mind.
    'japan' is not going to 'blow up' or to be reduced to a barren wasteland forever.

    in the worst case scenario (which is very unlikely to occur), a small area will be heavily contaminated and a larger area will be moderately or lightly contaminated.
    tens or hundreds of people will get sick in the short term, and more would be at risk in the long term, a lot of people will have to evacuate to a safer distance from the reactor, and the economic cost of the clean up (and the recostruction in the tsunami-devastated areas) would be tremendous.

    but how you go from there to "japan is history" is mindboggling.

    coloring pages for adults. Coloring Pages For Adults
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  • MacRumors
    Sep 20, 12:28 AM (

    Besides announcing the number of movies that Disney has sold, iPod Observer notes ( that CEO Bob Iger also provided some impressions of Apple's pre-announced iTV device which is due in the first quarter of 2007.

    Iger describes the device's functionality:

    It's wireless. It detects the presence of computers in your home; in a very simple way you designate the computer you want to feed it and it wirelessly feeds whatever you downloaded on iTunes which include videos, TV, music videos, movies or your entire iTunes music library to your television set.

    And also explains that it is very easy to control and the appeal to content developers is to provide them a way to sell content to the DVR/TVR audience.

    ...if they've forgotten to set their TiVo device or their TVR or they just have no plan to do it but they want to watch an episode that they missed, they can go to iTunes, buy it for $1.99, [send it] to the set-top box source wirelessly and watch it on the television."

    Iger also indicates that the device does indeed contain a hard drive... a fact that was not entirely clear from the preview.

    MacCentral has posted ( a question/answer article for iTV which gives an overview of the device, in case you missed the original preview (

    Long term Apple fans will remember that Apple almost launched an Apple Set Top Box ( years ago but it was never officially released. Interestingly, the system was described as "Apple's ITV system" ( in a press-release, indicating that Apple has recycled this codename (iTV). The final name for the upcoming system has not yet been decided.

    coloring pages for adults. Hard Coloring Pages For Adults
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  • aneftp
    Mar 18, 11:30 AM
    I think ATT needs to find a middle ground with wireless data usage.

    Non-USA users, please chime in.

    I think Candaian users get "free tethering included" with their 6GB data plan?

    So ATT needs to say something like here's 5GB of data. Charge us $30 (which I think is a very fair price). And we can tether or do whatever we want with that data as long as phone plus tethering is less than 5GB a month.

    Of course, ATT is greedy and charging a ridiculous $45 for only 4GB total of data (it used to be worst and only included 2GB data).

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  • Gelfin
    Mar 26, 03:31 PM
    I suppose you're right about the word "phrase," skunk, especially when you write a recursive real, rather than a nominal, definition of the word "sentence." ;) Ciaociao's Latin was imperfect, but I think I comprehended what it meant.

    So what you are saying is skunk was correct in every respect (and he was) but you just had to argue anyway.

    Is that something taught in the catechism? Based on this thread I'd been wondering.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 01:12 PM
    Sorry but I find this patently laughable. True Christian? Does that mean anyone who doesn't believe in the same interpretation of the bible as you do? I bet there are millions who would point the finger at you and say you are not a true Christian. You both, of course, are wrong as there cannot be any truth in a system based on faith.

    Ok, replace "True" for "Orthodox". Mainstream Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox. Pretty much believe the same things. You can even throw some non-orthodox sects in there like the Mormons and still have a huge intersect on beliefs, especially on morality.

    Sep 21, 03:44 AM
    airport express and airtunes allowed streaming content to a stereo. this just adds video function. that's it. if there is a hd it's for buffer and basic OS/ navigation.

    still a very cool solution to sending content

    yes, but it also may have the functionality to browse and download content directly... maybe

    Cox Orange
    Apr 20, 06:28 AM
    as said before...
    remove programs
    apple + <--

    how to easily open a new tab
    apple + T

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:03 PM
    The point, though it's off-topic, is that your RC friend (that's a homophone, by the way) wanted, for reasons best known to himself, to communicate with you in Latin, but to translate a "sign of contradiction" you have to use the word for "sign" as in signifier (n), rather than the word for "sign" as in sign your name (vb). He obviously looked up the wrong meaning and thus mangled his translation.
    If he did that, he goofed. But I know I made a mistake: I missed your point. Now I understand it. Thanks. Maybe he tried to communicate with me in Latin because he knows I usually attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

    Sep 26, 12:49 PM
    Since the 3.0ghz Woodcrest is now about $875 (street), I am betting it will drop another $100 when the Clovertown 4 cores are released (Those prices are for 1000 lot each, so resellers will undoubtedly charge more). Until the Woodcrest 3.0Ghz duals hit below the $450 mark, it makes more $ense to get the CPUs you need, now. (that is in the MacPro, not as self-upgrades)

    It looks like you are better off buying the mac you want, than wait for CPU prices to drop enough to build on-the-cheap (getting low-end 2.0ghz, then upgrading to X1900 and dual Clovertown 2.66 4-cores). By the time the price on those CPUs is reasonable, Apple may have a new Pro and bus. And intel wil have more cores than we need. Or atleast, the hardware is far ahead of the software written to fully utilize the cores.

    We welcome the bloatware overloards! ;)

    Oct 26, 10:59 AM
    I'm actually pretty thrilled with my new Dual 3.0 Xeon. Should hold me in good stead for a couple of years of heavy video crunching and motion graphics, as well as photoshop once it goes native. In the meantime, I use my Dual G5 2.0 for that.

    And when the Octos get updated in a year and a half, I can be the first to jump on that bandwagon.