Sunday, May 15, 2011

credit card debt consolidation

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 22, 08:56 PM
    Because it's harder to imagine that an intelligent designer had a hand in it than it is to imagine that everything happened by chance?

    The odds favor chance.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 21, 07:28 AM
    Wondering why Android users are on a Mac forum?

    Perhaps they also own Macs, after all a lot of iPhone owners have Windows PCs.

    credit card debt consolidation. Credit Card Debt Consolidation
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  • itickings
    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    I still miss the ability to easily control the computer with only a keyboard without reaching for the mouse/trackpad all the time.

    Sure, there are many shortcuts, but no real equivalent to the underlined entries in menus, and the obvious keyboard navigation in dialogs. But then again, I'd been primed to that since Windows 3.0 through XP and other systems.

    I'm sure some people will want to correct me now by pointing out the keyboard control possibility available in the accessibility settings, but that'll only end with uncontrollable laughter...

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  • Tags: lt;payoff credit card debt

  • hstaniloff
    May 5, 05:30 PM
    I live on the north shore of Long Island. The service is the worst. Absolutely the worst. I get little to no service in my home. When out and about, the phone is only reliable about 30% of the time. Dropped calls every singe time. Every time. Pitiful. Everywhere else - the Hamptons, off LI like down in Virginia or Florida, the phone works great. I love the iPhone but the service is making me bail. As soon as they come out with a Verizon version of the iPhone, I'm outta here AT&T!

    credit card debt consolidation. of credit card debt.
  • of credit card debt.

  • bokdol
    Sep 26, 02:18 PM
    You're kidding, right? Here we are sitting around waiting on the C2D and you're saying that in about two months we'll have the option to buy a QUAD? Please say your kidding. PLEASE.

    not mac book pro...

    mac pro

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  • brianus
    Oct 3, 09:30 AM
    Not helpful and wrong.

    The most efficent use of the riser slots are dual rank FB-DIMMs and 4 of them. So 4 1GB sticks or 4 2GB sticks.

    Four FB-DIMMs is the sweet spot between memory bandwidth and latency, based on tests.

    Hey just curious about your sig, how is your 1TB RAID set up in the Mac Pro?

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  • MacCoaster
    Oct 13, 04:16 AM
    Overclocked my Athlon 1.4GHz Tbird to 1.522GHz, benchmark results (under C#, which was fastest) did an average of 7390 milliseconds (7.39 seconds). w00t!

    Gotta love overclocking.

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  • jrhone
    Jul 11, 11:06 PM
    AWESOME.....I will buy one as SOON as its released.....Logic Pro with Woodcrest......YUMMMM.....

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  • iindigo
    May 2, 02:24 PM
    They have done nothing to discourage it? Well, they introduced an annoying pop-up asking for confirmation that makes the developers customers frustrated. Any suggestion what other meaningful action they can take?
    Also, I can't think of any application I have installed on my Windows PC that behaves like this.

    When I first started using a Mac seriously, which was when Vista was out and got criticized for UAC, I was really surprised to discover that OS X has the exact same thing. In Windows 7 you not only have the option to switch it on and off, you can also customize the intrusiveness of it, I find it much more user friendly than in OS X.
    I think a lot of people here need to actually try Windows 7 out instead of categorically dismiss it.

    What do you mean, "Try Windows 7"? I've used and maintained every version of Windows from 98SE all the way up to 7. I even toyed around with 95 in a virtual machine from pure curiosity. Hell, I even have a Windows 7 boot camp partition.

    I know exactly what Windows 7 is like. It comes with maintaining every computer at the house, several of the computers at the high school, fixing collegemates' computers, and being known as the neighborhood tech kid since age 14 (now 22, for reference).

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  • The credit card debt all in

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:22 AM
    The intel machines use intel standard parts. No proprietary CPU riser cards or what have you. If you can get to the CPU, that is.

    Anandtech did a test with two Clovertown engineering samples several weeks ago. Seemed to work just fine. The only thing I could see as an issue is the BIOS/EFI might need an update in addition to simply swapping the CPUs.

    credit card debt consolidation. Credit Card Debt Consolidation
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  • mojohanna
    Apr 14, 05:32 PM
    My only dislike of OS X: You can't cycle between windows that are open with command+tab, you can only cycle between applications. In windows, you can cycle between the open windows with alt+tab.

    cmd ~ gets you the cycle between windows.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 20, 09:31 PM
    No, of course not. I just find it interesting that someone who clearly dislikes a company and its products so much has so much free time to spend on a board for people who do enjoy said company and products.

    Stranger things happen. I just like the company (as in forum members, not Apple). ;)

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  • For Credit Card Debt Repayment

  • nagromme
    Apr 15, 09:43 AM
    Great program! These are really well done; worth seeing for just about anyone, not just kids thinking of harming themselves.

    In fact, speaking as a straight kid who was bullied, the advice and commentary here DOES apply to me, and would have been encouraging, even if this particular program is in response to a cluster of LGBT suicides. (And a program like this, specific to LGBT kids, certainly is called for: they face many of the same challenges anyone else does, but they do face unique challenges too, for sure. Other programs have addressed bullying in general, which is great as well.)

    credit card debt consolidation. Credit Card Debt
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  • Intuit
    Apr 21, 06:09 AM
    I got to back chrono up I know tons of ways viruses can hide in windows. Here's a few.

    Setting visibility to hidden.
    Using file names that look like legitimate software.
    editing the registry to disable 'show hidden folders'.
    Registering the virus as a service.
    Software level root kit using api hooks to modify the result of system calls.
    Hardware level root kit changing the system itself.
    .dll injection to force another process to run your code.

    The entire window messaging system is insecure you can delete everything displayed in the process list of Task manager for example.

    some of these techniques will make a virus completely invisible so don't bash

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  • 12438 Red Credit Card Debt

  • Mikael
    Jul 12, 03:42 PM
    I think his point was that most tech geeks are freaking out about the revolutionary core 2 architecture, be it in the conroe, woodcrest or merom. For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.
    Exactly. Numerous people have tried to explain that Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest basically are the same CPU, yet few people seem to have understood it yet. The differences between the parts are almost exclusively external (or atleast not related to the execution core), like socket and FSB frequency. The core architecture has even been said by Intel reps to be the same. The only reason for a Woodcrest CPU to perform better than a Conroe (the non-Extreme edition) would be because of the slightly faster FSB. This advantage could soon be negated by the use of FB-DIMMs.

    So, why get so worked up over this?

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  • However, debt consolidation is

  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 11:04 PM
    Yes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.

    The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)

    I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.

    FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.

    Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..

    But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.

    So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..

    Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.
    Who said anything about discontinuing Color and the rest of FCS? I can't imagine Apple would think that Color could be replaced by one-click color correction. And once and for all, can we stop saying that making the interface easier to use is making the product less professional? Is OS X less professional than DOS?

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Oct 7, 10:28 AM
    Yeah for now... But I'm sure we'll see 3GHz and faster as they increase production. All depends on when I finally decide to make my purchase. But the 2.66GHz is probably it... I may go with the 2.33GHz if the price on the 2.66 is to far out of line, but we'll see. Right now, the current 3GHz Mac Pro is $800 more, but to me that would be worth it for that extra edge on my renderings.

    Yeah, from what I've seen, it's very likely that Woodcrest (dual-core) and Clovertown (quad-core) could easily make it to the mid 3 GHz range on the current production process; and might even see 4 GHz. (Although 4 GHz would be toward the end of next year at the earliest.) With 45 nm production, we'll see bigger L2 caches, four cores as 'standard' on workstation/server chips, (four fully integrated cores, the way Woodcrest is two fully integrated cores now.)

    But I in raw GHz, we'll be stuck at about 4 GHz as the max for quite a while. Remember, "Moore's Law" didn't predict GHz, it predicted 'number of transistors or cost per transistor'. As long as we're doublling the number of cores each 1.5-2 years, we're keeping up with Moore's Law.

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  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 14, 05:48 AM
    screen maximizing is an annoyance on mac

    credit card debt consolidation. Card Debt Consolidation
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  • darkplanets
    Mar 13, 04:43 PM
    SNIP (Just to save space)

    I know thorium doesn't have an awesome past, especially in early development. That said, I think with more development it's liable to be a better alternative to uranium. What you said is all true, however you're citing an experimental reactor; things just aren't magically perfect, sadly.

    To quote one of your articles: It was 15MWe, 46 MWt, and was used to develop and test a wide variety of fuels and machinery over its lifetime. Its Helium outlet temperature was 950�C, but fuel temperature instabilities occurred during operation with locally far to high temperatures. As a consequence the whole reactor vessel became heavily contaminated by Cs-137 and Sr-90 [1]. Concerning beta-contamination AVR is the highest contaminated nuclear installation worldwide as AVR management confirmed 2001
    Notice the part about it being used to test a wide variety of fuels and machinery? Also the fuel temperature instabilities? That's what caused the Cs-137 and Sr-90 contamination, as noted above. A reactor that's properly designed (with properly fabricated fuel) won't have the disadvantages of a test reactor, and shouldn't have that contamination. I'm not saying it's perfect now, but controlling those instabilities shouldn't be an issue, especially in light of salt or liquid fuel possibilities. Furthermore, what about MSR? It's not a pebble bed; it's molten. That itself should even out the fuel temperature instabilities a little, just the liquid fuel based system.

    You raise a very valid point about Thorium, however I think one instance of a test reactor hardly justifies dinging the entire concept because the initial reactor wasn't designed well (see the cracked bottom of the AVR...), but rather it serves as a basis for future designs. Also, what about India planning to use thorium? They're not approaching this with guesswork-- there's clear advantages to using it over uranium. Differences in opinion I guess, but hey, to each his own.

    EDIT: Also, I know my initial wording was a little fuzzy; what I meant to say was PBR with uranium, and MSR with thorium-- at least for now.

    Mar 18, 10:36 AM
    ATT could use better price discrimination policies. There are many people who would like tethering, unrestricted 3G etc, who are more than willing to pay. Many would also give up unlimited data as long as ATT gave quality service at a decent price.

    So have you seen what verizon charges for tethering? This forum is extremely slighted towards AT&T. Yet Verizon charges more for tethering and they seem to get a free pass.

    So compared to the other carrier that offers the iPhone the tethering with AT&T is a "decent" price.

    Oct 25, 12:33 PM
    Just noticed Apple has added 750GB HDs to the Mac Pro configure page recently. Only a few weeks left 'til the Dual Clovertown Mac Pros ship.

    2.33GHz C2D MacBook Pros announced yesterday shipping today. Only MacBook & mini left to complete the Core 2 Duo transition. Should be all in place by Thanksgiving including 8-core Mac Pro. Very exciting. :)

    Apr 20, 10:13 PM
    buying an iphone 4 tomorrow after reading the news today and just saying "screw it."

    it seems that all the discussion lately from these "sources" is saying that the iphone 5 will basically come out in september/fall, have an 8mp camera, and have the A5 chip. and after what Cook said today, it's obvious there won't be 4G with this new phone, which i didn't really care about in the first place.

    so it seems like what most are saying is that this next iphone will be a modest update from the incredible iphone 4, which i think is awesome already. so i figure, get it now, then iphone 6 next year maybe around june/july 2012, i'll just upgrade then to that.

    instead of waiting another 5 or 6 months, then getting iphone 5, i could just have the iphone already for those months, then it wouldn't be bad waiting for the 6th iteration. oh well, anything's better than the phone i have now.

    Mar 20, 05:22 AM
    As the argument for abortion rights goes; "Against abortion? Don't have one." If you are a Linux sysadmin and do not agree that using this app is "good", then do not use it.

    Abortion isn't even on the same plane of existence as this issue, and as for the legal sphere, abortions are not illegal. I'm not advocating a stance against something that is legal to do, and I'm not arguing for reducing your personal rights to take something that you can do legally and make it illegal. I am stating that what this software does is illegal and that it's not DRM use/the law interfere with legitimate exercise of rights. It is not the law that made iTunes music incompatible with other MP3 players, it's the file format and DRM design. Further, Apple has done nothing illegal in its choices and implementation. There is therefore no legitimate reason to break the law--your rights are what you agreed to when purchasing the music and nothing more. If you need a different sort of DRM or no DRM for your uses, then you need to buy that product instead.

    DRM does not, in theory, infringe on your license rights. In practice, you might come across incompatibilities due to the individual designs of the DRM models and a competitive, segmented market. The law has provisions for your rights to use the content and that DRM is used to protect against infringement on those rights. There is not just one DRM that works for everything, so when you buy music with DRM, you the consumer are responsible for making sure it works with what you intend to use it for. Your freedom of choice comes with certain sacrifices and restrictions, none of which have been imposed on you illegally or prohibit you from legal use of the product. The only reason to break the law here is for the purpose of breaking the law, not for any delusions of your rights to do as you wish with music.

    Oct 8, 05:34 PM
    Linux runs programs faster than windows on intel hardware so Apple has a fast OS, just not fast hardware. Mac are the fastest in things like MP3 encoding, MPEG4/DIVX encoding and photoshop. But PCs are faster in games and 3D graphics. I have top of the range Macs and PCs at home and have done the tests. But the Macs speed is all thanks to AltiVec, if not a $1000 PC would be faster in PhotoShop than a top of the range Mac.