Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 14, 04:48 PM
    still, you cannot say the iphone is the best smartphone on the market, just as someone else can't say the atrix is the best. Different strokes for different folks!


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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:50 AM
    I think it's not as bad as what the media would have you believe, BUT it is worse than what Apple wants you to think.

    Sure, cell towers could be up to 100 miles away. And when I ran the mapping tool and plotted my locations, and zoom in far enough, I do indeed see a grid of cell towers as opposed to actual locations where I've been standing. All anyone could know is that I've been "somewhere" in the vicinity.

    (And this isn't new. Some time ago I came upon a car crash and called 911 on my cell phone to report it. They were able to get the location to send emergency services just by where I was calling from. It wasn't 100% accurate -- they asked if I was near a major intersection and I told them it was about a block from there.)

    However, if it's also tracking wifi hotspots, those can pinpoint you pretty closely. Most people stay within 30-50 feet of their wireless router, and the ones you spend the most time connected to will be the ones at home, at work, and and at your friends' houses.

    Potentially yes. However as people stated, it was way out of proportion. Media is one end, Apple is the other like you said. I'm sure like 99.1% of things, it lies somewhere in between them.

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  • Brandon Sharitt
    Sep 13, 07:25 AM
    While Clovertown and Kenstfield ar interesting as probably going to be the first consumer quad core CPUs, they are currently much like Intels initial stabs at Dual Core, which were largely two Pentium chips jammed together. What will be interesting to see is the second generation Intel quad cores and (probably) first generation AMD quad core CPUs, which should be to Kenstfield and Clovertown as the Core Duo family is to the dual core Pentium 4s, though maybe not quite the same performance jump.

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  • thadgarrison
    Nov 28, 07:15 PM
    I guess Universal is bummed that nobody is buying Zunes and so that revenue stream dried up before it gained any ground.

    They should impose royalties on shoe sales, since people wear shoes while they're dancing to their music.

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  • Jimmieboy
    Sep 19, 04:07 AM
    An update isn't going to make me go out and by a macbook or macbook pro. I'm waiting for leopard. Hopefully the updates (if any) will lower the price of the ibooks. I'm kinda interested in getting a new one for cheap. Anyway

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  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    Epic. Fail.

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 11:11 AM
    However, many apps today won't see that much improvement either way (like a simple calculator, or solitare and word processing).
    If that's all your requirements are, then you would be able to get by very nicely on an old G3 system (assuming you can cram enough RAM into it.)

    We have long since exceeded the amount of CPU power needed for things like basic Office apps, and are several orders of magnitude more powerful than what's needed for a calculator or solitare program!

    But this really should not come as a surprise to anybody. For basic word processing (without any embedded objects), my old Apple //c with AppleWorks is more than powerful enough. And that's with a 1MHz 6502 processor, 128K of RAM and two floppy drives!

    People are so used to bloatware and insane amounts of eye-candy, that they start thinking they actually need supercomputer power in order to write a memo or send a fax.

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  • satzzz
    Aug 19, 05:52 PM
    There's allready en new beta of Adobe's Lightroom, Does that one run native under on the intel machines?

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  • Platform
    Sep 13, 09:13 AM
    Most people run more than one app at once.

    Most are multi-threaded though and if I am not incorrect it doesn't matter for Photoshop if there are two or 72 cores...;)

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  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 07:42 PM
    Do you not think that the priests should be jailed for raping children?
    Crimes against children are usually seen badly in the public eye. The priests should not be an exception.

    priests should be held to the same standard and jailed for raping children after there is conclusive proof.

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  • McGiord
    Mar 31, 10:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    All the traditional phone manufacturers were used to release a new hardware every year and get the carriers financing the hardware coat over the 2 year contract, even allowing the loyal customers a free or small fee upgrade when the right one comes for them. So google fragmented model might be in sync with the traditional way of delivering new ozone hardware/with updated software for the typical mobile phone user.

    Having more control for the benefit of the end user is a must for any of these players. Apple model has been highly successful, as well as google's model. How they will continue, is just a matter of time.

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 03:47 PM
    Adobe showing how the iPad is only for consumption and not worth their time. (http://www.electronista.com/articles/11/03/30/adobe.photoshop.for.ipad.to.get.layers/)

    Yeah... that's why they are "wasting their time" building a prototype. :rolleyes:

    Adobe see's 15 million seats and growing fast.

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  • brianus
    Sep 13, 10:05 AM
    probably due to latency involved in distributing the load across the two processors. that's the same problem a single Clovertown would have. Only true quads wouldn't suffer from these problems (earliest seems to be Harpertown in don't know if there are any non-MCM Xeons scheduled before then)

    What about Tigerton (2007)? Isn't that a "true" quad?

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  • cyberbeats
    Jul 21, 07:11 AM
    i've just sold my dual g5 because
    i plan to buy a new macpro in august.
    But seems that it will be already obsolate after 3 months.
    Please can you tell me if the socket of woodcrest
    will make the macpro upgradable one day,
    or these new type of processors need differet socket?

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  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 7, 10:24 PM
    Please tell him.

    me too! I wanna learn!

    How does withholding stock from the public aid a company? I can imagine holding them till everything is registered in their system and accounted for. But turning people away when they actually do have stock doesn't sound like a good business practice to me

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  • Willis
    Jul 27, 04:02 PM
    Roz Ho? said at Macworld SF that Microsoft BU was commiting at least 5 more years of mac software.

    they say they like the platform... go figure.

    ADD: just a thought aswell. Wonder if we may see the next Office at WWDC?

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  • 0815
    Apr 6, 04:13 PM
    debacle? The debacle that's sucking 51% of the profit in the entire smartphone industry? http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2011/01/31/apple-is-still-sucking-most-of-the-profit-out-of-the-mobile-phone-business/

    Market share isn't everything.


    Finally someone who gets it ....

    Some smart-phone OS providers pay companies to put their OS on the devices (not good for profit) and others gain a big market share without making any money.

    But at the end - those are all companies that need to make money. And who wins at the end of the day: Whoever makes most money. Market share might be good for some sort of reputation and bragging rights - but if it doesn't bring any money into the bank it is good for nothing. Those are not charities - those are busnisses that have to face at the end of the day the share holders.

    So it also doesn't matter if Xoom sells only 100.000 Units and Apple sells many millions. The Xoom would still be a win if it would bring more money home (but this is where the true fail of the Xoom is)

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  • Cygnus311
    Aug 27, 12:04 PM
    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    But that doesn't make Nintendo (or Microsoft or Sony) suck. Fanboys just make themselves suck by being fanboys. :)

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  • orthorim
    Apr 7, 10:21 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    A 15" MBA (no optical) with dedicated graphics is my ideal Mac. It'll happen someday...

    Same here except I don't need the dedicated gfx. For what? Games? Whenever I attempt to play a gfx intensive game on my mbp it gets super hot and the fans start to sound like a jet engine. That's not an appealing proposition. I'd rather play on the iPad , or games that don't require more than the built in gfx.

    I am sitting out this generation of mbp. Get rid of the optical or I won't buy it. At least provide an option to officially replace it with a HD tray. I know it's not hard to hack, I have done it, but I don't see why I'd have to hack a brand new machine (and possibly void the warranty)

    Sep 19, 07:57 AM
    It amazes me that people who are so opposed to discussion of upcoming Merom notebooks still click on the links to the forums with titles using the terms "Merom" and "MacBook Pro". If you're a regular on the forums, sure, I can see how constant discussion about the "next" platform might get old. So ignore them. Do something productive with your time.

    That isn't exactly what I said, I don't have a problem with people discussing new and upcoming products and features and when we might see them. Count me in.

    Its the people that are getting so worked up, annoyed at Apple, threatening to dump the platform and move to Windows, claiming Apple are three months behind Windows systems and generally bitching.

    Its all pointless as the same people will start up again with the next technology advances as soon as the Macbook range is updated with Merom.

    Apr 11, 11:32 AM
    If it's been pushed that far back, LTE better be included.

    I can't imagine we see our first LTE iPhone in 2013.

    Apr 7, 11:09 PM
    I really hate Best Buy. But unfortunately, there's no Apple Store in my town.

    Apr 25, 03:50 PM
    i would bet anything that these two "customers" happen to also be lawyers.

    They just can't earn clean money, always have to rip some one to earn it.

    +1 ;)

    Aug 6, 07:18 PM
    I find it amusing how optimistic Mac users are. Every once in a while Apple has an event where they really wow with product releases, but seems like 9 out of 10 people are predicting amazing releases. By the way, I'm not criticizing in any way, and being optimistic is good.

    I'm predicting Steve will annouce his retirement :eek: :p

    Probably about as likely as some of the wish lists we've seen, haha.

    That being said, I "wish" that apple would wow the world with something that would make people say "why didn't we do it like that all along?".