Sunday, May 15, 2011

miley cyrus bong pictures

miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus Bong For Sale,
  • Miley Cyrus Bong For Sale,

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 12:07 PM
    Apple is anticompetitive and should be shut down. By producing products customers want when others in the industry can't, they are forcing the competition out of business.

    If Apple is not shut down, they should be forced to only sell the products designed by RIM and Google, while Google and Rim can build any Apple product they want. Apple also needs to be forced to fire their QC department. While they are at it, they might want to replace their marketing department with a bunch of rabid chimps. They might also be forced to purchase advertising for RIM.

    Apples cash reserves also give them an unfair advantage. Perhaps they should give half their money to RIM. Perhaps Apple should design and build the products and sell them, however, RIM and Google would get the money.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus Gets #39;Bong High#39;
  • Miley Cyrus Gets #39;Bong High#39;

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 5, 09:45 PM
    Hmmm... I think I'll go jailbreak my iPod touch now.

    Maybe then I can get a toggle switch for wifi on my home screen. :rolleyes:

    You're an idiot

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Rag – Miley Cyrus#39; Bong
  • Rag – Miley Cyrus#39; Bong

  • dukebound85
    Mar 26, 09:33 PM
    I didnt realize a release date was set:cool:

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus finally talks ong
  • Miley Cyrus finally talks ong

  • spo
    Jul 30, 09:24 AM
    what are the odds that apple, in order to reinvent the mobile experience, has teamed with a voip chip maker etc. to provide mobile voice and video (ichat mobile) over IP?

    this somehow makes more sense than co-branding a unit or "piggy backing" onto current carriers... then again, failure on this scale would be the biggest "jump the shark" moment in their history.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong video,
  • miley cyrus bong video,

  • Schizoid
    Mar 31, 06:38 AM
    mac os x kitteh and the one after that mac os x kitteh galore


    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong smoking.
  • miley cyrus bong smoking.

  • cdavis11
    Apr 26, 03:41 PM
    In related news, all models of Ford vehicles combined outsold the toyota prius.

    Film at 11.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus takes a ong all
  • Miley Cyrus takes a ong all

  • yellowballoon
    Mar 29, 12:29 PM
    Windows Live Skydrive is 25 GB for free.

    Right and Window's Phone automatic uploads to Sky Drive, free of charge. What does iOS have?

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus. Rate It:
  • Miley Cyrus. Rate It:

  • wovel
    Apr 7, 03:23 PM
    I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus caught on tape:
  • Miley Cyrus caught on tape:

  • wclyffe
    Dec 16, 10:34 AM
    just received an email detailing that BLT has an updated eta for 12/20

    Me, too.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus Bong Video
  • Miley Cyrus Bong Video

  • radiohead14
    Apr 18, 04:52 PM
    Also consider these designs:

    that bar of soap sure looks a lot like the Mighty Mouse.. get on it Apple!

    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong photo. miley
  • miley cyrus bong photo. miley

  • rxse7en
    Aug 11, 10:56 AM
    Have you seen the size of the heat sink in the Mac Pro? ;)
    What's the difference? My PB G4 fried my testicles years ago...


    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong 2011. miley
  • miley cyrus bong 2011. miley

  • Northgrove
    Apr 25, 11:18 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
    Apple are only tracking their users if they're using this data to, uh, track their users.

    AFAIK, the information is not even sent to Apple.

    Database of locations on a device != tracking their users with this database.
    For tracking to happen, you need software in place to make use of that information...
    For tracking to happen by Apple, you need this info sent to Apple as a start...

    This could just as well be a remnant from some app that never happened, or an app that is planned to happen...

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus is getting ripped
  • Miley Cyrus is getting ripped

  • netdog
    Jul 31, 04:28 AM
    Let me rephrase that: I think we're all getting way too ahead of ourselves. The source of this all is some "tech-unsavvy photographer that Apple hires" according to another crappy tech website. I don't know if it's true or not, but we're all just way too ahead of ourselves with free phone calls through AirPort or whatever.

    I'll be VERY surprised if the Apple phone doesn't support Wifi.

    I'll be very surprised if iChat doesn't start supporting phone calls.

    I be somewhat surprised if the Apple phone doesn't support Skype, though they may develop an iChat to compete with Skype (a mistake in my opinion).

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Singer and actress Miley Cyrus
  • Singer and actress Miley Cyrus

  • Slix
    Apr 26, 02:14 PM
    iPhones are still better.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong rips.
  • miley cyrus bong rips.

  • InsiderTravels
    Nov 28, 08:49 AM
    i don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an apple tablet.

    i mean, the PC/Win versions aren't great sellers...

    I think a lot of you are forgetting about artists and the rest of the creative market. Sure, a programmer or tech geek or business person or writer may have little use for a tablet, but artists are another story. Carrying around a separate, cumbersome USB tablet can become a pain. It's much easier to draw with a pen than it is with a mouse. Whether or not the handwriting recognition is accurate and lightning fast is largely irrelevant, as artists would rarely be using the tablet for that feature. Remember, the majority of creative pros are Mac users, hence a great reason why tablet PCs have yet to take off; there's never been one that was marketed towards and could be used by the creative crowd; many of them wouldn't touch a Windows PC with a ten-foot pole.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus Bong Video Miley
  • Miley Cyrus Bong Video Miley

  • Elijahg
    Apr 23, 06:45 PM
    Instead of pixel based images that are just bigger, why not simply ship vector based icons/wallpapers ?

    KDE supported SVG as a format for wallpapers and icons something like 10 years ago... That way, it doesn't matter what the display resolution is, the icon always looks sharp and non-pixelated.

    I'd rather Apple work on making SVG the standard graphics format for graphics ressources than just bumping up the pixel count (and the file size!).

    Heck, if they don't like SVG (which is just a bunch of XML), they could go with one of the other vector based image formats or come up with one of their own.

    Translating a photo to a vector based format would be completely pointless and would end up massive. Take for example the Snow Leopard Prowl JPEG. It's 1.2MB, and converting to BMP or TIFF (both describe each pixel individually, i.e. lossless) makes it 12mb, 10 times the size. Converting it to the much less efficient SVG, makes it insanely massive; 225mb or 187.5 times bigger to be exact.

    Computer generated imagery can be converted to a vector format more efficiently, as long as the source is available. The computer knows that for example, there is a gradient starting at X,Y and ending at X,Y with colour RGB at the start, and colour RGB at the end. Thus eliminating the need to keep detail about each pixel individually. This is great for things such as icons and certain web images, but for images with lots of detail, it quickly becomes much less efficient than even the highest quality JPEG. For real photos, it's pointless to vectorize. You'd just end up pixellating the image when scaled over it's original size anyway. So in other words, it's unlikely we'll see vector graphics for most icons and most certainly not for desktop backgrounds.

    I agree with others about Apple needing to beef up the GPUs if they want retina displays in their Macs. They always seem to put last-generation cards into them... I'm sure it wouldn't keep them away from iOS development for [i]too[/] long to add the latest, even as BTO. Valve has really helped gaming on the Mac, bringing great new releases like Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2 at the same time as Windows. At least it seems Apple have had a kick up their ass from Valve pointing out the inefficiencies in OpenGL. Maybe that's what's made them hire a few gaming-type developers...? C'mon Apple!

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus

  • macindork
    Apr 23, 12:22 AM
    Direct Attached Storage is a pain to manage : "Hey, XY server needs more storage space... oh wait, the array is full, we need to purchase a new array for it... too bad we can't use YZ's array which only has 2 bays occupied...".

    Centralized storage arrays with LUNs solves all of these issues. Running out of storage ? Present a new LUN and just plug it in to whatever volume manager you use and grow your existing filesystem, all with 0 downtime or even having to physically connect anything to the box.

    For data centers, Thunderbolt is a non-contender.

    That's the nice thing about the equallogic, right? ;)

    Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.

    On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.

    miley cyrus bong pictures. Miley Cyrus
  • Miley Cyrus

  • liphonearth
    Apr 26, 04:27 PM

    Android takes over greater share of the market, while Apple retains the bulk of the revenues / profits.

    Just as Apple retains a small slice of the PC market while selling over 60% of $1,000+ computers, they will maintain superior revenues/profits no matter how "small" their share of the telecom market turns out to be.

    Ideal, as Apple stock prices might temporarily drop in price while their EPS continues to sky-rocket.


    miley cyrus bong pictures. miley cyrus bong video.
  • miley cyrus bong video.

  • marksman
    Mar 29, 03:56 PM
    It is funny the same people who would have blasted Apple to the moon for doing something like this not only don't call Amazon out on it, but actually blame Apple for it.

    It is silly yet predictable.

    Mar 29, 11:23 AM
    i dont like this new idea of storing purchased media in the cloud. The thing that immediately comes to mind is more restrictions for our purchases. More limitations to make the end user cough up more money.

    Nobody forces you to store your music there. You can always store it on your computer if you want. Funny how you can see extra feature as a "limitation". I bet that when Apple offers similar service (just more expensive) you'll call it a "revolutionary" feature.

    Apr 16, 12:03 PM
    Flat taxes are always very regressive, basically the reason why this is a bad idea, is that the people it effects are mostly the ones who can't afford it. and the rich will just sit on their money and not spend a lot and not benefit the economy.

    And for the poorer people it would create more reliance on social security and medicare, because now what little money they used to have to save has been taken in the massive tax hike they would just get.

    I'm not saying that we don't need reform of our tax system, but a flat tax isn't the way to do it.

    How do you feel about inflation? To me, inflation is the most regressive tax.

    There is also the incorrect notion that "spending" is what drives an economy, that if a rich person doesn't "spend" their money then he or she is not benefiting the economy. What our economy currently needs is less spending and more saving. Savings and investments create jobs, not consumption.

    May 6, 07:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    Yes, Windows 8 will have ARM support (

    I don't buy this rumor, though. It's too crazy.

    And Apple would never do anything crazy?

    Think different.

    Apr 10, 12:55 PM
    Who said that this an equation? What is the variable that is unknown?

    2 is still winning!

    Means nothing. Either answer would be correct- it is ambiguous. Using "/" notation is poor practice. I believe, for the reasons I stated a few posts ago (post 146), the author would intend an interpretation leading to 288.

    Gasu E.
    Mar 30, 09:58 AM
    You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others.


    In America, we've got "Freedom of Speech." And, we also have "Freedom of Religion". (We've also got "Separation of Church and State", but as far as I can tell, the respondant represents neither government, nor is he trying to use government to promote his views.) So, it seems to me the respondant is merely exercising his two aforementioned "Freedoms" simultaneously.

    Additionally, you conflate "asking" people to do something with "pushing". Sorry, but I get "asked" to do things all day, in normal communication, via advertising, in speeches and presentations, etc. I don't see any problem with this as long as coercion is not involved. I am free to play or not, as I choose. Human interaction just plain involves a lot of this "asking" stuff.

    BTW, I'm a complete atheist. I think "asking to pray" is totally cornball. But I don't see a problem with it-- whatever gets you through the day is fine by me.