Saturday, May 14, 2011

wii 2 controller screen

wii 2 controller screen. Nintendo Wii 2 #39;Screen Stream#39;
  • Nintendo Wii 2 #39;Screen Stream#39;

  • manman
    Mar 18, 11:57 AM
    As far as I'm concerned it is the same as going to an all you can eat restaurant and sharing your food between two people, while only paying for one. It isn't a serious crime, but it is stealing, and you know that if you get caught you will have to stop. I'm not going to feel bad for these people that are using 5+GB per month.

    I don't think it's really like this in practice, because 99% of the time people are probably using one device or the other, they aren't surfing around and watching videos etc on the iPad and iPhone at the same time for example. They COULD do it, so I guess the analogy works, I just don't think there's a lot to worry about there.

    I agree that if this is explicitly laid out in the contract we signed, we can't really get mad. I do think it's retarded though- with normal Internet service, you pay a single fee and connect any device you want... computers, phones, game consoles... buying service from a phone carrier should ve the same. Because in most cases it really DOES amount to paying for the same data twice. You'd have to have multiple people using each device simultaneously to really get your moneys worth : /

    wii 2 controller screen. Will the system#39;s controller
  • Will the system#39;s controller

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 25, 10:36 AM
    PS Marriage is a privilege not a right.

    Are you speaking religiously or legally? By law, it is a right. However if the church doesn't want to marry gay couples, that's their own stupid business.

    wii 2 controller screen. nintendo wii 2 controller.
  • nintendo wii 2 controller.

  • jragosta
    Mar 18, 04:43 PM
    Obviously, Apple will freak (what else is new...), but all this does is provide a shortcut around the burn-to-CD-and-rerip shortcut that's built into iTunes. You still need to buy the music. So, at best, this makes it easier to share music, but it doesn't provide a new capability.

    I think it's a great convenience. I'm just saying that the inevitable wrath-of-God response from Apple is somewhat unwarranted.

    I disagree. What he's doing is illegal and unethical.

    If you burn a CD and rip it back, you're losing quality. The owners of the music (mostly RIAA, but anyone who licenses it to Apple) apparently decided that they can live with that. They did NOT agree to what this guy is doing.

    It's theft, pure and simple.

    More like the wrath-of-Jobs! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement. Here in music where Apple is the most popular and widely used, they are getting hacked (semi-successfully) more often than their WMA counterpart.

    There's a big difference. This is not a system security flaw. It's simply a matter of someone reverse engineering a file format. AFAIK, there isn't a single file format which has not been reverse engineered. That's actually a trivial task.

    iTMS just used web service interfaces and XML over HTTP... It will be interesting to see just how they could stop an app from accessing.

    What is more likely is that the iTMS servers would add in the DRM and buyer metadata before it gets downloaded. Its actually a little shocking that it wasn't designed to do that in the first place!

    Yes, they could do that.

    They will also easily obtain a court injunction to stop this. What he's doing is illegal from two perspectives. First, it's a violation of the iTMS terms of service (which allows only iTunes access). Second, it's a violation of DCMA.

    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

    I happen to disagree - but that's because my company depends on the ability to protect our intellectual property in order to stay in business.

    The music owners have the right to do whatever they want with the music. You can legally (and morally) do what they request or live without their music.

    Your position is the same as a person who steals a BMW because he doesn't like the purchase terms.

    This is great news - by removing the DRM I can play my music on any device I like. It is my music after all. .

    No, it's not your music. The music belongs to whoever the artist sold it to (usually a member of the RIAA). They sell you a license to use the music under a given set of terms. If you violate the terms that you paid for, you're stealing.

    And if the industry would sell cheaper music without DRM then P2P wouldn't be as big of a problem.

    If BMW would sell cheaper 5 series cars, no one would steal them.

    The music industry owns the music - and they're free to price it however they want. If you think the price is too high, your only legal and moral response is to not buy it. Not liking the price is not justification for theft.

    wii 2 controller screen. Kotaku reports the Wii 2 will
  • Kotaku reports the Wii 2 will

  • Benjamins
    Apr 8, 11:17 PM
    Velly Intelrsting. Did they start out making games from rocks?

    they started off making card games.

    wii 2 controller screen. nintendo wii 2 controller.
  • nintendo wii 2 controller.

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 08:51 AM
    I own 3 macs and 5 advices. I have a PhD in electrical engineering and designed microprocessors for 14 years, including microprocessors used in many PCs. I've written millions of lines of source code in C, assembler, C++, etc.

    And most of the folks I know who use Linux or solaris all day at work to design chips use macs at home and carry iPhones. I don't know a single one of them who uses an android phone (many carry blackberries however).

    Shhh. Your experiences are obviously the exception, since they don't conform to his viewpoints.

    To be honest, the really "tech savy" ones are the ones who can and do use MULTIPLE platforms. Not just Windows, nor Mac, nor Linux, but a combination of many.

    I do love his "IT guy" argument though. I just had a friend's father, 20+ years as an IT Professional, convert over to Mac after getting fed up with the Windows Virus/Malware/other random issues train.

    He posted the pic of him in the Apple store looking at an iMac with the caption, "You're doing it right."


    wii 2 controller screen. Everything from the Controller
  • Everything from the Controller

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 02:45 PM
    Notice the words "indirectly" and "thousands" in my post, not "directly" and "millions." You are correct that GM foods will not save Africa, and also correct that African goverments are as corrupt as they come.

    But you're wrong to think that genetically-altered foods won't help, especially if administed by multi-national organizations, and NOT African governemtns.
    It might help starving Africans, but we could also screw up our genetical inheritance royally. Cross breeding is a problem we know too little about.

    wii 2 controller screen. Rumor Revealed Wii 2,
  • Rumor Revealed Wii 2,

  • bmullemeister
    May 2, 06:23 PM
    I just received an email with this site

    Mac getting targetted after many years


    wii 2 controller screen. Name: Nintendo Wii 2 - Project
  • Name: Nintendo Wii 2 - Project

  • JFreak
    Jul 12, 05:14 AM
    the only way i see this happening is if apple ships the powermac in 2007 when the socket 771 boards start using 16x pci express.

    You don't see it possible that Apple would be the first company to release one?

    wii 2 controller screen. Apparently, the Wii 2 is
  • Apparently, the Wii 2 is

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 09:31 PM
    No, of course not. I just find it interesting that someone who clearly dislikes a company and its products so much has so much free time to spend on a board for people who do enjoy said company and products.

    So this site is for fanboys only?

    wii 2 controller screen. new wii 2 controllers.
  • new wii 2 controllers.

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 25, 12:33 PM
    This takes responsibility away from what God would want, to what we think is right. I believe this to be a more realistic approach.

    Comma added, because my brain was starting to hurt. ;)

    And I agree, but then 'power' is lost, and that just won't do, now will it? :rolleyes:

    wii 2 controller screen. “Screen Stream” controller
  • “Screen Stream” controller

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:47 PM
    There, fixed it for ya (and the "'s too) ;)

    OS X and Windows have their pro's and con's, no OS is 100% secure. However (and read my posts), working in the field I can assure you 75%+ of my clients have security/virus/malware issues with everything from XP-W7. Executable's are the equivalent to barfing into your system; they get everywhere and are difficult to remove.

    If Windows followed Apple and developed hardware to utilize their OS instead of coding an OS for a myriad of profiles (and ditching antiquated BIOS for EFI) it would allow for a better end user experience and for MS to focus on better security. Yet this would mean millions to billions for businesses to reinvest in new hardware as well as MS producing a good product (based on their industrial design team and product history, I wouldn't bet on it).

    OS X based systems are generally more secure than Windows systems. I could google "OS X safer than Windows" and find as many claims as you suggest, but that would be bias. Google " 'OS X versus Windows' security' ", you will most likely discover articles/studies with no bias/agenda. If OS X wasn't more secure than Windows OS systems, why aren't more users running anti-virus/malware utilities?

    Ah well, forget google-ing "windows is more secure than OS X",

    just ask google; they know better I guess. ;)

    wii 2 controller screen. wii 2 controller concept. new
  • wii 2 controller concept. new

  • sjo
    Aug 29, 01:22 PM
    Have you read what you just wrote? Who said anything about hunting whales? Eating whale meat? Or being poor?

    No one.

    Conclusion? You're bigoted.

    There's no denying that Greenpeace is further towards "Extremist" than towards "Moderate." That's the jist of what he's saying, and he's right.


    Whalehunting is sort of implied, but in order clarify: in Norway Greenpeace is discredited largely because they are against whalehunting which, for Norwegians, is part of their policy of trying to keep their large countryside inhabited. Greenpeace is against whalehunting so Norway, as many on this forum, see fit to try to discredit them as being "bigoted" or "extremists" or "treehuggers" instead of providing facts.

    wii 2 controller screen. project cafe wii 2 controller.
  • project cafe wii 2 controller.

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 12, 03:45 PM
    The iTV sounds great, however if I buy one I�m going to want to be able to utilize it to its fullest extent. And right now, living outside of the US, without access to TV shows on iTunes, let alone the new movies, it just doesn�t make sense for me to buy one. Hopefully things will change next year by the time it is released, but I have my doubts. As a result, there are going to have to be some other amazing features incorporated into this box to convince me to buy it, otherwise I�m not shelling out good money for a STB which Apple has essentially crippled for me. :cool:

    wii 2 controller screen. Portal 2 Working Controllers
  • Portal 2 Working Controllers

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 26, 03:14 PM
    im hoping that apple has optimized leopard to be able to assign certain applications to certain cores. just like what some of the other posters have said

    4 cores for Cinema 4D
    1 core for internet and mail
    2 cores for photoshop
    1 core for quicktime dvd playback
    Unless you're doing realtime work with strict QoS demands, it's almost always better to let the OS schedule all threads across all CPUs.

    In the situation you describe, your browser would slow down when mail woke up to do something - even if QT or photoshop were idle.

    wii 2 controller screen. Strange controller display due
  • Strange controller display due

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 07:43 PM
    What about this:

    Cooling, warming, cooling, warming...Sheesh, it's almost like it's mother nature, NOT us. Doesn't she know it's US! And that little ice age in the 16th to 18th centuries? what's that all about?

    Again, sheesh. It's like mother nature is doing it herself!!! And jeez, how about the greenhouse effect? I thought it was bad until my college Blue Planet teacher told us that if we didn't have it, the planet would be one big snowball. None of the students knew what to think, after years of telling us greenhouse effects are bad. Thank god all those carbon dioxide emissions are breathed up by plants...
    ehm, it is slightly more complex than that.
    Think of earth as one big very very complex dynamical system. You change one varible and all the other variables will change too. If you are lucky the system will converge back to the original equilibrium. However, if you change a/some variables sufficiently much, the system will:
    a) converge to a new equlibrium
    b) oscillate
    All serious climate researchers claim that we are about to change a/some variables sufficiently much (read. CO2) The fact that we already have chopped down large protions of the rain forrest doesnt help us since CO2 are used in photosynthesis.

    wii 2 controller screen. saying that the controller
  • saying that the controller

  • DavidLeblond
    Mar 18, 12:25 PM
    It's an interesting problem. I would bet you will find this hole in WMA stores for the same reason. Of course Jon prefers to target the source that will get him headlines.

    Agreed, Jon probably wants headlines.

    Apple will make another "good enough" fix to block it for another 6 months. But they really don't care. Although externally they "care", I bet internally it doesn't particularly bother them because ITMS is so big that the record companies can't afford to pull out of it.

    The problem is, this may not hurt Apple all that much but it will hurt the Music Download industry. With every DRM that is cracked it gives the RIAA more fuel against their "downloading is bad" campaign. Also less labels would be willing to allow iTMS to sell their music.

    wii 2 controller screen. More Wii 2 Controller Details
  • More Wii 2 Controller Details

  • nsjoker
    Sep 20, 03:45 PM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    wii 2 controller screen. Looks like a LED screen to me.
  • Looks like a LED screen to me.

  • notabadname
    Apr 13, 08:23 AM
    Pretty critical group it seems about an App for which there is still really very little detail available. Sort of like heavily critiquing a book for which you weren't even able to read the Cliff notes for, but instead just read a few sentences from each chapter.

    I say give it a chance, and let the full specs and capabilities be revealed, then pass an informed judgement.

    wii 2 controller screen. of the Wii 2 Dev Kit.
  • of the Wii 2 Dev Kit.

  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 04:29 PM
    My point is that Greenpeace would be far better served educating the public how to help. They get even 10% of the world's population to make some radical changes in their lives and the changes to the planet would be amazing.

    I agree corporations need to set examples and do teh best they can. I don't think its where environmentalists should be pointing fingers.

    You , me and everyone else are the biggest polluters.
    right. why don't they invent something that doesnt pollute so we can all use it. (yeah right)

    Jul 12, 03:27 PM
    How is it an insult to conroe to say that a desktop chip should go in a moderately priced desktop? And perhaps more to the point, why exactly are you so worked up about someone insulting conroe... is it your personal creation or something? You do realize that both PCs and Macs will be using both conroes and woodcrests in various configurations, right? It's not like woodcrest is an apple product. So what exactly are you so worked up about?

    Do you really think anyone here will care if you overclock your conroe-based PC? Let alone "break our hearts?" Have fun.

    Even if you had a point worth making, your attitude is so repulsive that I don't know why anyone would want to listen to you.

    I think his point was that most tech geeks are freaking out about the revolutionary core 2 architecture, be it in the conroe, woodcrest or merom. For people to view conroe as a lesser chip in some way smacks of mac snobbery and I tend to agree with him.

    Mar 19, 11:02 PM
    No no, I don't think people get it.

    If they put DRM on the track before you buy it, then everyone who buys that song will have the same song with the same DRM, which means that any computer can play it, as everyone has the same iTunes and a track with the same DRM.

    Adding specific DRM on the fly isn't what Apple has to do, either. Your iTunes still has to know that it IS the computer that you can play a particular track from, and not just any computer.

    No that is not true. If you had read my previous post to this post, you would have seen where i said that your copy of itms would have to send a key to the itms server. Each computer would send a unique key so the song cannot play on any other computer other than the one that sent the key. This is not technically challenging, not like building a rocket ship or anything. I could do it.

    Apr 15, 11:25 AM
    That "one ignorant post" also didn't realize that those passages were from a translation that is extremely anti gay. Other translations that match much closer to the original text don't mention anything about being gay at all.

    Yes, the Bible is one big hug fest, full of fuzzy kittens and balloons.

    If you're going to be a Christian, then for Zeus's sake, own it. Your Bible is full of hate, end of story.

    Oct 28, 02:25 PM
    Has any one installed a Western Digital Raptor X WD1500AHFD 150GB 10,000 RPM 16MB Cache Serial ATA150 Hard Drive in one of the current systems to use as their boot drive?

    Oct 25, 10:24 PM
    Do either IBM or Motorola have a quad-core chip on the horizon?