Sunday, May 15, 2011

wind turbines

wind turbines. of Wind turbines:
  • of Wind turbines:

  • kalsta
    May 6, 12:11 PM
    If you told the average American male that his 5 inch penis was 13 centimeters, we'd be on the metric system a week from Thursday.

    Can't argue with that logic. :D

    wind turbines. A schematic of a wind turbine:
  • A schematic of a wind turbine:

  • Stridder44
    Aug 4, 10:13 AM
    I have been wondering the same thing. No matter how good the news is, there are still a bunch of negative votes. It just re-inforces my belief there is an organized effort to discredit Apple on this site. If it was just individuals, I would wonder why waste time on an Apple website if you did not like Apple? It makes no sense in that scenario. I do believe the PC establishment is worried about the possibility of Apple gaining more of a foothold in corporate America.

    Downvoters have been around here and doing this exact thing for a loooooooooooooong time, this is nothing new. And everytime it happens someone comes in here asking "How could someone vote this a negative?!!?"

    Again, not to pick you out of the crowd but Im just saying....these neg. voters are nothing new.

    wind turbines. Wind Turbine Solution
  • Wind Turbine Solution

  • shadowmoses
    Aug 7, 07:39 AM
    Personally, I prefer iChat over Adium.

    It's a much simpler, cleaner design and it integrates with OS X perfectly.

    It's very fast loading, glitch free (pretty much), and video looks fantastic!!!!

    I use AIM, and I love it. MSN is terrible in comparison, and AIM on Adium aint as good as AIM on iChat IMO...

    I totally agree but the problem is all my freinds are on MSN so i can't use iChat hopefully things will change today though ;)


    wind turbines. Ducted Wind Turbine Provides
  • Ducted Wind Turbine Provides

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 26, 02:58 PM's NOT gonna happen anytime soon.

    The Tablet market is a sad failure, as it represents a tech in search of a purpose...nobody needs or wants it.

    Hint? Think Origami, one among too many MS failures...just like the Zune in the next months.

    Apple will NOT enter the fabled Tablet market again, as the focus of demand is on notebooks, nothing else...yet another borndead rumor.

    God I'm so sick of people making this excuse. So just because no one else has found the right formula it means that Apple can't right?

    Have you ever used a tablet before? If not you are missing out. The experience feels much more personal for some reason. It feels like a platform that is begging for Apple to do something with it.

    PS- Let me guess you were one of those people screeching that Apple would NEVER go Intel. Would never release an iPod with photo capabilities or video. Would never allow Windows to run on a Mac.

    Lol. I totally forgot about the origami. What a flop!

    Its running a slightly modified version of Windows. What did you expect? :rolleyes: Anyone who comes out with a tablet needs to do more then slap their OS on it. there needs to be a fundimental shift in HOW you interact with the OS.

    wind turbines. Wind Turbine Maintenance and
  • Wind Turbine Maintenance and

  • chubad
    Nov 26, 10:38 AM
    Another in a long line of tablet rumors. :rolleyes:
    I doubt Apple would waste their time on a tablet. The market has proven that there is little demand for them.

    wind turbines. A Residential Wind Turbine
  • A Residential Wind Turbine

  • canolapop
    Jul 31, 03:20 AM
    couldn't they just release it as an UNLOCKED phone, sell it on their site and allow us to use it with who ever?

    wind turbines. The wind turbine project also
  • The wind turbine project also

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 09:22 PM
    BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?

    Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.

    Tastes great. (who's with me):p

    I explained why it might be written the way it is, you choose to ignore that like you ignored all the other facts here. The group is divided because some people just don't learn, we have posted exactly why pemdas gives the correct answer when used properly but stubborn people here still say things like well... It's half full/half empty. No, it's not. It's black and white and if you can't see that by now, you never will. Some people just can never admit to mistakes and will never learn anything. Don't blame the teachers...

    wind turbines. HUGE TURBINE

  • kansast
    Nov 22, 01:25 AM
    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

    I wonder if it will be interesting to revisit this quote in a year or two ? :D
    One can hope.

    wind turbines. wind turbines to
  • wind turbines to

  • Mechcozmo
    Nov 22, 01:34 AM
    blah blah blah Our hardware is incredibly expensive for what you can do with it blah blah blah Our software is older than XP blah blah blah blah Our new software is more delayed than Vista blah blah blah Our products kicked the Newton's arse a decade ago blah blah blah Apple can't beat the clear market leader blah blah blah

    I've been waiting for Palm OS 6 to come out for just about five years now. I'm not buying a new Palm... I'll just stick to my b0rked Tungsten|T. Programmed life expectancy, ha! But damn, that Soylent Green is tasty!

    wind turbines. Tennessee wind turbines
  • Tennessee wind turbines

  • infoman
    Nov 13, 11:48 AM
    Thanks for the tip. How do you feel about the speaker volume on the unit for calls so far? Also, do the navigation instructions come through the car's speakers at all?

    I'd still be curious to see how it looks when stuck to the windshield. I've heard some say that it's too hard to see on the windshield.

    Mounting it horizontally on the lower left corner of the windshield, near the steering wheel, works pretty good for me. Good visibility and more importantly you don't loose site of the road ahead. Try it.

    wind turbines. such wind turbines are
  • such wind turbines are

  • JRM PowerPod
    Nov 27, 05:53 AM
    Everyone.......... would buy Two

    They would

    wind turbines. Wind turbines usually lose up
  • Wind turbines usually lose up

  • Satori
    May 6, 06:46 AM
    If ARM are creating a new architecture to compete with the x86 then Apple will make sure that their OS works on it - just in case a good reason emerges for a switch. If there is any basis whatsoever to this rumour - then this is probably it.

    wind turbines. Wind turbines 2
  • Wind turbines 2

  • rhsgolfer33
    Apr 20, 06:19 PM
    Capital gains allows you to choose the timeline and the price to a point. If Capital Gains is special because of time-linked shifts in pricing, why isn't freelance income.

    In my mind, income is income.

    You certainly can't choose the price in a capital gains situation - that is definitely a market determination; sure, you could sell for less than market it, but that would be pretty stupid and of no benefit.

    Capital gains isn't special because of price shifts over time, its special because the government is trying to spur investment - in addition to raising revenue, the tax code is largely a tool to get people to behave in a certain manner. The thought is that giving people a preferential rate on gains from investment encourages people to 1) invest in our economy 2) save for retirement. Whether it works or not is debated by economists and we could probably argue about it all day.

    I feel like I'm just repeating myself. I've already addressed that capital gains is not necessarily income.

    I'd love it if you could point out where you addressed this, because as a tax accountant, I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when a realized capital gain isn't income - if you have a realized net gain (ie amount realized is greater than your basis in the capital asset), you certainly have income. Certainly you could reinvest that net gain, but that doesn't mean you don't have income, that just means you realized a gain and reinvested the old basis and the gain (income). You're only taxed on realized gains that are recognized by the code (and you can net against realized losses) - sure, I could have an unrealized capital gain that isn't income, but I wouldn't be taxed on it either. Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but I'd really love the same clarification on this that most other posters have been asking for.

    I suppose what you are getting at as a trader is that you buy a capital asset for $1000 and sell two days latter for $1100, then reinvest the $1100 into another capital asset. You'd be taxed on the $100 of capital gain even though you effectively have no cash in your hands to pay the tax. Unfortunately for traders, income doesn't mean cash. But a person who was in the trade or business of being a professional trader wouldn't qualify for capital gains treatment anyways, it would all be ordinary income.

    wind turbines. Ten wind turbines.
  • Ten wind turbines.

  • Teddy's
    Sep 11, 09:30 AM
    And Radiohead.
    I wonder about these two -- three before Dave Matthews Band came aboard -- everytime there's a major music announcement.

    If they add the "album only" feature to *All* Radiohead's songs, more bands will follow. Mostly for marketing reasons. There are lots of those crappy "Radiohead wannabes - ohhhhhh our songs should not be outside their album":mad:

    Now, I can't wait for tomorrow's event!

    wind turbines. to DIY wind turbines.
  • to DIY wind turbines.

  • anubis
    Mar 28, 10:06 AM
    I've been poking along with a 3GS since they came out. Really want to switch to Verizon. This rumor puts people like me in a serious pickle: keep waiting and waiting and waiting for iPhone 5 to come out this year, if it even does it all, or grab an iPhone 4 now - a phone that has been out for nearly a year - and get burned in a couple of months by a surprise iPhone 5 announcement in June?

    wind turbines. Utility scale wind turbines
  • Utility scale wind turbines

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 26, 03:56 PM
    I love that argument - who told Apple to only make 1 phone? Nobody it was their decision. This is PC vs Mac all over again - history repeating itself.

    I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs spins this somehow at WWDC - my guess is he'll throw iPod Touches and iPads into their numbers so it doesn't look as horrible as the Nielsen chart shows.

    At the end of the day, the truth hurts - Android is the new defacto platform for mobile and that means developers, developers, developers.

    I suspect you're just trolling because I can't believe that you're as clueless as you pretend.

    The Android platform is so highly fractured that to write an app for one Android phone doesn't mean you got the platform covered... far from it. Apple's IOS platform is huge, and has only shrunk in market share by a couple points (PIM is the one taking a beating) since the last survey.

    The controlled environment of the IOS, which extends to iPods, and iPads, makes for a more profitable platform for developers. This not wishful dreaming, it's a fact any developer will tell you, or you can jump into the archives and learn for yourself.

    wind turbines. Small Scale Wind Turbines
  • Small Scale Wind Turbines

  • spencecb
    Aug 11, 03:47 PM
    Does anyone think that this is a bit much to announce at Paris?

    But all of it, I think everyone would agree, has to come out before the Christmas shopping season.

    So lets break it down into two events, presuming that its too much for Paris.

    Paris will either see hardware (i hope) or iPod upgrades.

    Then, in late October I'm guessing, in time for the holidays, the new iPods will be released. They will also therefore beat Zune to the market.


    I response to your question of if we think this is too much for Apple to announce at the Paris Expo, I think we have to keep the following in mind: Apple has entered an entirely new ballpark with the switch to Intel. No longer can our big gains in performance and new products only come to us at WWDC, MWSF, and MWParis.

    I have said it before, and I will say it again. Apple will adopt a new strategy for advancing their hardware. We will start seeing speed bumps and other upgrades announced quietly on Apple's website. We have already seen this with the MBP.

    If Apple wants to keep their rock-star like image of when they release new products or major upgrades to their product line, they will adopt more special events like we had this past year, and a couple in 2005. For example: The introduction of the iMac G5 w/Front Row and iSight or when the Mac Mini went Intel. I believe Apple will make better use of these types of events.

    The big dogs (WWDC, MWSF, MWParis) will remain launch pads for new/updated products, but will not be the only source from now on.

    With the switch to Intel, we have entered a very aggressive world, and a much larger range of dedicated processors for different product lines. It is quite exciting.

    wind turbines. 1204 wind turbines
  • 1204 wind turbines

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 12:29 PM
    Prefrences > mobile me > iDisk ...Set iDisk syncing on and a local cache of your iDisk is created and synced automatically. Just like dropbox.

    Dude you are ********ing great. I've only been a member since Feb and this is the first i've heard about it. Thank you kindly.

    wind turbines. crusade and wind turbines
  • crusade and wind turbines

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 01:59 PM
    This is easy to see

    MobilMe Becomes Free

    MobilMe gets laden with 1Ads

    All part of the Apple strategy

    I would be happy to keep paying $99/year for adfree Mobilme

    What exact strategy is this? People are confusing what Google, Yahoo or Microsoft would do versus Apple. Consumer are so encumbered with the concept that free means advertising they cannot see any other way. We've used iTunes for free since it's inception with nary an ad that didn't focus on media.

    I dun know if MobileMe is going free or not but I doubt Apple has much interest in advertising beyond the App Store.

    Apr 19, 12:10 PM
    Everyone does pay taxes. The statement that 40+% of the population paid no taxes is a lie. They may have paid no Federal Income Taxes, but that does NOT mean they paid no taxes.

    May 6, 11:57 AM
    If you told the average American male that his 5 inch penis was 13 centimeters, we'd be on the metric system a week from Thursday.

    Sep 11, 09:05 AM

    Apr 26, 04:03 PM
    If it's as good as Ping, I'm IN!

    Apr 26, 02:34 PM
    It's strange that Android is so popular, I have not seen many people use it so far. I have tried one Android device a few months ago and it was not nearly as responsive, logical, and functional as iOS at all. I mean it wasn't just a matter of subjective preference, that thing was really horrible!

    But I imagine Android runs differently on different handsets, and the bigger choice allows for lower price points, so more people buy it. Also, Android is an open-source OS which can be used on anything, while iOS only comes on the limited kinds of devices that Apple makes, which explains why Android is so popular.