Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where @ Blog Action Day 2007

The 'osphere seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis, with lots of "Why do we blog?" and "Blogging is dead!" posts popping up recently. Perhaps Blog Action Day will reinvigorate the blogging community. Either way, Where will be one of the many, many blogs joining in on the Enviro-themed fun this October 15th. In addition, that week's Weekend Reading will be decidated to highlighting urbanism/transit/architecture-related posts produced as part of the event. So, if you are a blogger that writes about such things and plan on taking part in Blog Action Day, make sure to let me know and I'll add you to the list. Think of the prestige -- you can call all of your friends and say "I'm Item Four!!" Catchy, hey?

(Thanks to Offbeat Homes for the video link.)