Monday, August 20, 2007

Yes, fer the last past few weeks i did feel lonely. But it was getting better after i heard BoA new song LOVE LETTER...however, now its like back to the basic..that few weeks i try to use my studies to stress myself out and so i wont feel lonely...but

my feeling...
4 suna suhdrc du aht 2007 yht edc mega ypuid 133 tyoc. fecr huf ec du aht drec oayn xielgmo...e fyhd du kad uid uv dryd lysbic YCYB. Yvdan dryd, e femm pa yc lynavnaa yc y pent. EDC naymmq denehk...yhofyo, e lyhd ramb drehgehk dryd oui uhmo veht sa frah oui vaam muhamo. oui femm ycg sa uid un lryd fedr sa frah oui yna punat. E zicd ryia drec vaamehk. E naymmo ruba e ys fnuhk. E naymmo dnaycina drec vneahtcreb iano silr dryh dra nacd. yht oy, nalahdmo e vamd fa yna hud cu lmuca yc pavuna yht dryd drana caasc du pa y tecdyrd padfaah ic. E nalymmat, edc mega ryntmo drana uha desa frah e veht oui ku uid oui femm yknaat. Luc edc aedran oui yna pico un tihfyh du ku uid...e vaam mega e ys zicd y "cbyna vneaht". oui femm ycg sa uid frah oui muhamo...e zicd lyhd ramb du drehg dryd fyo...

Hehe...since its my feeling of cos i will try not to let many ppl know ya...i had written them in al blhed (is that how it spelled?) since i cant password protect my post...LOL...and i dunwan to use wordpress...

i think its a fragile friendship i had...

now, i have been possible that both dixon and han pei will have true friends? cos both their character suck to the core...i once imagine if both are in 5na i am pretty sure noone like them...i can imagine mt and jiamin anti ya, why they suck? here...

Han Pei
He think he is great, he think he is handsome and he think he is so handsome that gays and girls will went crazy fer him...TSK! BEWARE! if he were to intro his girlfriend to you, cos you will sure sense that he will be waiting fer you to praise he got a pretty girlfriend or he will sms you later asking how you think of his stead...oh ya, he claim he not a virgin and he keep laughing at those ppl who are still virgin (include me) he think ppl who is still virgin are somesort of laughstock...ok, these the reason why i dislike him...and he keep making fun of me cos he cant stand my lameness...a sure gossip group target.

Class monitor but irresposible..very act and defensive...think he is great too..think he is good at everything...nth much to say abt him...cos his attitude simply suck to the core...

thats all...i must be out of mind to write this in my blog...but heck la, i just get out of that class asap...hopefully i wont stay with them fer long...