Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ode to Slithering Snakes

Strange, Strange:
How a man compares a remarkable woman to a transvestite
A doctor holds his life together like a crumbling wall
Strange, Strange:
Why Dogs bark and how criminals appear stark;
or seeing arseholes cannot differ light from dark
Strange, Strange:
How idiot men cork their eyes for liquefied faces,
fake limbs, defying God's crafts with pitiful gazes.
Strange, Strange:
I love you,Earth, because you are burning hot

carrying those arseholes with you must've made you rot.

October 9, 2010

vinda sonata

Moving with the city's perpetual motion, I am staring through the translucent dome overlooking stars.

Dying young is overrated. One day you'll come to face people who are talking with walls, looking through the distorted glasses thinking of plastic Angels.

Still a lot of strange matters for the thought. Let's burn our brains and leap far, far away; because we're young, we're strong, and we all have strong potentials to hang there as the center of Cassiopeia.

vinda sonata


photography by devina