Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What have I been doing lately hmmmm.

Did I mention I went for lecture yesterday? Heh heh. I can't remember the details but I stayed inside the library, supposed to study but ended up doing.. redundant stuffs. Went to Wj's house and had some small talks before walking to TM (!) and had dinner.

Driving lesson this morning and Parkway for lunch w/ Xinghuei. Back to school, attended the remedial lesson given by Ms Ng okay! Was struggling at first but hehehe I have patient friends who were willing to teach me from scratch, lublub!

Waiting for my dinnerrrrr I'm hungry again :( Now my internet's working again! Yessss I've to study for the two papers soon; but before I can do that, I needa complete two assignments which will due on Friday morning :/

It's already the 2nd of Dec and 2009 will end very soon. Time to sum up the whole year.. It's been rather eventful yet peaceful yet happy-ful. The worst thing is not having to spend both Christmas and New Year w/ Boyfriend, thanks to his duty ):