Monday, April 25, 2011

Barcelona, Spain - Two solidarity actions for the comrades hostags of the Chilean State

culmine/War on Society

In response to the call for solidarity through propaganda and agitation for the comrades taken hostage by the Chilean State since August 14th, 2010, and 60 days since the initiation of their hunger strike, two solidarity actions were made in Barcelona:
- 2 simultaneous blockades on two important roads in the city, displaying banners alluding to the comrades accused for the “bombs case” in Chile and calling for solidarity with the comrades in struggle incarcerated in different parts of the world, causing a traffic commotion and thus affecting the everyday passivity of common citizenry, alien in the disinformation of the repressive attacks that power unleashes against anti-capitalist dissidents in Chile and the world.
- Unfurling of a huge banner in of the main tourist spots in Barcelona — el parque guell — complementing the action by throwing informational leaflets. The choice of this point was not random; the objective was to burst into one of the most insidious faces of brutal capitalism: tourism, which in Barcelona and in all parts of the world seeks to invisibilize conflicts and social struggles and represents a form of exploitation hidden behind the ostentatious cameras of tourism’s consumers.
Through these actions we have sought to send a signal of support to the political prisoners of Chile, with the firm conviction that solidarity is a weapon that should be used against power anywhere in the world, transcending the imagination created by states, by borders. For these same reasons, by means of these actions, we want also to greet all the fighters of the world who find themselves imprisoned by the state and by capital.
Freedom to the anarchist comrades imprisoned in Greece, Italy, Belarus, in Argentina and in all the territories where the flame of insurrection lives on.
Solidarios Barcelona