Monday, April 25, 2011

Toronto, ON, Canada - Five banks vandalized in solidarity with struggles and prisoners

anarchist news

23/04/2011 - 5 Banks in North Toronto were vandalized and redecorated on Sunday [April] 17th as an act of Anarchist solidarity with the Mapuche struggle for land, autonomy and freedom in Wamapu so called “Southern Chile”
and as an act of Anarchist Solidarity with the Haudenesseunee Struggle for land, autonomy and freedom in the great lakes bio-region.
Most of all it is in solidarity for those in prison in both “Canada” and “Chile” who have struggled with dignity against our mutually repressive colonial states. For those who still have the will to refuse submission.
The banks targeted
two Bank of Montreal
two TD Canada Trusts
one Scotiabank