Friday, April 15, 2011

Cheetah Hunt to begin testing soon!

An exciting update for coaster fans today! Busch Gardens Tampa's new roller coaster, "Cheetah Hunt", will begin testing very soon... that is, TOMORROW! Want more info? Then read this:

Testing Crews to Launch Cheetah Hunt For the First Time This Weekend

Cheetah Hunt’s Multiple Launch Points Will Undergo
Numerous, Repeated Tests Over The Next Several Days

Friday, April 15, 2011 (Tampa, FL) – This weekend, Busch Gardens’ Design & Engineering team will officially launch Florida’s first triple-launch coaster for the first time. But, the park warns, guests hoping to catch a glimpse of the testing in progress shouldn’t expect Cheetah Hunt to be up to full speed quite yet.
The process, which kicks off Saturday morning, begins by testing each launch point over and over again at partial power with both empty trains and cars loaded with “water dummies” that simulate the weight of human passengers.
After each launch, the train will be pulled back into position and launched again. Crews will start with the first launch point, which propels the train out of the station house; by weekend’s end, they plan to have moved on to the second launch point. At full power, launch point No. 2 will send trains up the 102-foot Windcatcher Tower. Trains testing at partial power, however, will not make it to the top of the tower.
Early next week, this phase of testing will wrap up with the third launch point – located just past the canyon in the northern end Cheetah Hunt’s footprint. Soon after, trains will start making complete circuits around the track’s 4429-foot run.
But how soon will actual people replace the water dummies? “We will run more than 3,000 cycles of the ride before we put humans on it,” says Mark Rose, Busch Gardens’ Vice President of Design & Engineering. When the time comes, Rose will be one of the first people to ride.

So, is everyone excited yet? Well, wait until it officially opens! It will be a spectacular new addition to the park! We really cannot wait to see Cheetah Hunt in its full splendor! See you in May, Cheetah Hunt!