Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun Spot Attractions' New Commercials

Fun Spot U.S.A. and Fun Spot Action Park have recently posted two new commercials to advertise their parks. We want you to see them to, and to tell us your opinion. Who knows, it may help them for their future new commercials! They've posted two ads: one that takes place during the day, one takes place at night. 

NOTE: You may notice that the quality of the videos is low, and we apologize for that, but there seems like there are no high-definition videos of these commercials.

Enjoy the videos, and then, please, consider participating in our small poll, at the end of this post. Thanks!:

Daytime Commercial:

The newer Nighttime Commercial:

So, what do you think about them? Do they appeal to you? Are they fun? Or, do they seem a bit "off"? Please, share your comments with us, and vote here:

Thanks for voting!