Saturday, April 23, 2011

"One Ocean" Debuts at SeaWorld - Photos & Videos

We're all One World. One Ocean.

That's the message that the new SeaWorld Orlando wants to share with the viewers of its brand-new show that debuted just yesterday morning, called "One Ocean".

Today, we're going to see how the stadium has changed since the old show, "Believe", was replaced (it was still playing two days ago, can you believe it?), and in particular, we're going to see if "One Ocean" is just as great as the original "Believe", the one that we all loved. To support all we say, we're including photos of the area, together with some videos of the pre-show and the full-length video of the entire show!

We'll start with a column where we'll share our personal opinion on the show (we'll try to include very few spoilers, but if you go and watch the video afterwards, it'll be worthless); then, we'll see some pictures of the stadium and the area in general. Finally, we'll see some videos. Ready? Let's start!


POSITIVE ASPECTS - "One Ocean" is great. We can start with this statement and practically sum all up. The musics are really catchy, and the rhythm is fantastic. They are not as "sentimental" as the ones featured in "Believe", but they're very playful, and that pleases me, as the orcas can now really unleash their playful (and unpredictable) behavior, without going against the music and the theme of the show (my favorite song starts at 6:54 of the full-length video of the new show. Check it out later!).
Another thing that we really enjoyed are the sets and the use of more stuff to make the show even nicer. For example, the stage and th theater in general is very nice-looking with all the colors and the cut-outs of sea creatures. Also, there are some really great fountains throughout the show (that we didn't get to see, unfortunately), that we're sure will make the show even more lively.

NOT-SO-POSITIVE ASPECTS - Of course, it is NOT perfect, as there are some flaws that we found a bit disappointing. First of all, we didn't really see any new "trick" from the whales, other than making them "kiss". That's true that it looked like there were a lot more whales than in "Believe", but we were expecting a bit more of human interaction. Oh, how we miss the trainers in the water!
Another thing that was a bit disappointing was the length of the first video section. While I love the video SeaWorld does, I think they should cut it and show it in pieces, like it was in Believe. Now, they show a three and a half minutes video at the beginning, and then, they switch to still pictures or very short videos.

Anyway, with that being said, it was worth waiting three hours outside the stadium (yes, that's how long we waited to see the show!). It's really nice, and you should definitely make a trip to SeaWorld, just to see it!


New banners have showed up all around the park's entrance and on the pathways that lead to Shamu's Stadium:

That's where we want to go!:

We had to wait A LOT to see the show! Imagine that we came at 12:30 p.m., and the 1:30 p.m. show was already at capacity! We had to see the 3:30 p.m. show. Thankfully, SeaWorld decided to make the show start at 3:15 to make people wait a bit less:

We were the first in line for the 3:30 p.m. show:

People exiting the stadium:


The Stadium:

I love the show's logo:

The new water fountains are very near the public, as you can see:

There's a new game now, where you can "befriend a SeaBuddy". By texting your own name to certain phone numbers, you will see your name on the screen, with the SeaBuddy you chose!:

The Seahorse:

The puffer-fish:

Some were still using the old "Believe" swimsuits:

The new swimsuits (no, they were not arguing, if that's what you think):

We were in the stadium for only one minute, and look how many people there were already!:

Some minutes later:

At the end of the show:

Merchandise related to the show:

More great merchandise:


Before we see the videos, we would like to remind you that they do not make justice to the show, as it looks much better in person. The best thing to do is just... go and see it! Enjoy!:

First of all, let's take a look at the stadium in general:

A little "game" before "One Ocean" starts:

The Pre-show of "One Ocean":

Here you are the video of the ENTIRE SHOW*:

*NOTE: This video doesn't include the dancing fountains, but they're included in the show.

So, what do you personally think of the show, after seeing all these videos? Do you like the musics and the "tricks" that the orcas do? Share with us your opinion! Oh, and thanks for viewing!