Thursday, April 21, 2011


Was just looking at my tumblr and came across this. True and meaningful? 

Anyway, we'll have a long weekend ahead and so glad that I'm off tomorrow! :D Last few days passed kinda fast because I've all the nicey nicey colleagues around. Things can get a lil frustrating and tiring at times but that's working life huh? Yesterday, had supper at the usual zichar place to celebrate Edwin's birthday. He's one of the nicest colleagues around ever since I joined this company. (Y) 

Long bus rides can get me thinking. And more often than not, the thoughts are always similar, haha. Its either finance or love for the time being. Growing up is shit. :(

Can someone enlighten me? Why do guys like to cheat on girls? Or maybe vice versa for some of you who beg to differ. Define cheating. Being intimate with the other party verbally? Physically? Or even to the extent that people might thought she's your girlfriend instead. When things happen, onlookers will only watch. What else can they do? They can't possibly be stopping their friends and say 'Hey, what the hell do you think you are doing?' You know, cheating no longer seems as simple as it seems in our age now.. In the past when we were still young and immature, cheating can be just flirting with each other or maybe 'steady' with another person. And then we'd just breakup, cry over it for a few nights and get on with life, get a new bf/gf. But I was wrong to think that as we grow up, we would act in a matured way than ever. We look for commitment in relationships, we put in trust and we put in 100% in whatever we do for the other half. But hell no, its still the same, or even worst --- at least this is what I see these past few years around myself and the people around me that justify whatever I've mentioned? And maybe, just maybe - we won't wanna give up so easily on the relationship and thus we forgive and forget. But sadly, history repeats by itself again. I'm not trying to say that only guys are capable of doing this but I'm shocked that a couple of girls do this too? So what in the world are we looking for now? Special friends with extra benefits or just a companion to get through our lonely times, or simple enough - somebody whom you wanna spend your life with till the end? 

Okkkk, emotional thoughts aside. I'm kinda happy this week because I've brought some luck to my people around me these few days. :) Enjoy your weekend people!