Saturday, May 14, 2011

barcelona fc wallpaper 2011

barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc 2011 team.
  • arcelona fc 2011 team.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 08:41 PM
    In science when there is a dearth of evidence for something, you fail to reject the null hypothesis (which is that hypothesis x is incorrect).

    If I wanted to make a claim about something, say that two bricks tied together will fall at the same rate as a single brick, I first have to make this my working hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that what I'm asserting is not true (in this case the null is that the bricks will fall at different rates). It's up to me to provide the evidence. If there isn't enough (or any) evidence, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

    When it comes to religion, it is the theologian who is making the claim. Thus, his working hypothesis is, "God exists." In searching for evidence, however, we come up with nothing. Thus we must fail to reject the null hypothesis, which is, "God does not exist."

    Agnosticism is really the position that the an affirmative statement on the matter of deities is impossible to know. It doesn't have a rational basis in logic or science, thought it might make some people more comfortable with their skepticism.

    Atheism is the position that, based on currently available evidence, there is no basis to consider any deity to be real. This could change as new evidence comes to light, of course. That is a quality you will not find in theism or agnosticism.

    As I said in my first post, most atheists that I speak to don't put this much thought and care into their atheism. They just take it for granted that it won't be challenged.

    How can you prove something's existence that exists outside of time and space? I don't think it's possible except through pure reason.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc 2011 wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc 2011 wallpaper.

  • Gelfin
    Mar 24, 11:59 PM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.

    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpapers hd.
  • arcelona fc wallpapers hd.

  • saving107
    Apr 15, 10:02 AM
    Later on in life, most of them will probably have a beer with you and apologize.

    If you want to really take on bullying, you need a totally different kind of campaign.

    I got the impression that this campaign was not for Bully Awareness, but to let those who are getting bullied know that "It gets Better" and to guide you to the right place if you need someone to talk to before things get worse.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. Screenshots from FC Barcelona
  • Screenshots from FC Barcelona

  • Derekasaurus
    Sep 12, 03:27 PM
    Apple gave a sneak peak of an upcoming product. Is that a flying pig I see out my window?

    I think they did it because iTV doesn't really threaten any existing Apple products, so people aren't likely to hold off buying something while they wait for it. It's still odd behavior from Apple, but I'm not complaining.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.
  • arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.

  • manic
    Jul 12, 09:23 AM
    I disagree with the line of thought that Macbooks will remain with yonah processors. heres why:

    intel has announced merom will ship at the same price point as yonah. they are pin compatible. Apple can, therefore, simply fit the chips without increasing the macbooks price point/ incurring in high engeneering costs.

    One might say: oh, but theyll do it to differentiate the mb from the mbp.

    Seems to me that if they were concerned with pushing a high performance gap they wouldnt have specced the mb so similarly to the mbp in the first place.

    seccondly, it makes no business sense. Apple knows people are holding out for merom. this will increase after its been released. if they choose to keep yonah just to justify the price gap between the mb and the mbp, theyll be alienating buyers y crippling its product without sound reason. Mac users are tech savvy. theyd be put off by being forced to by a yonah notebook with merom widely available. It will happen and its Intels merit.

    lastly, lets not forget the "dell factor". If apples consumer laptops are ony available with yonah, and dells consumer laptops are fitted with merom at the same price point, I think we would see a lot of would be switchers not switching.

    Conclusion: all apple would benefit from keeping yonahs in the macbooks would be to make mbp users feel happier about their machines. on the other hand, it would lose sales of macbook from customers (i) not switching or (ii) further delaying their purchase. Doesnt make business sense to me

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. FC Barcelona Screensaver
  • FC Barcelona Screensaver

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 11:27 AM
    Not what he said, but how he said it. But you already knew what I meant.

    People tossing out random verses from the Pentateuch/Torah to defend or condemn religion is problematic and is above most people's pay grades. There are plenty of rabbis and other scholarly folks who can help people understand some of these harsh and difficult passages. Of course, it's easier and way more fun to remain ignorant of these books to play "gotcha!" with other people's religious beliefs.

    The modern view of homosexual sex in all the orthodox Christian religions is so tame and simple it's almost boring. It's just premarital sex, which is considered sinful. It's not morally worse than heterosexual premarital sex. And yes, marriage is considered to be between a man and a woman in these religions, so yes, that does really suck for the orthodox gay Christian.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. manchester-united-fc-wallpaper
  • manchester-united-fc-wallpaper

  • nagromme
    Oct 7, 02:12 PM
    I think point 3 is the biggest problem with the iPhone OS and will be what in the long run what will let others over take it.

    Valid points, except you're looking at a micro-niche of power-users, while the iPhone's massive growth comes from a much broader market than that. Android will (and does) take some power-user market share, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

    The big thing though is DEVELOPER share. Apps. Android will run--in different flavors--on a number of different phones, offering choice in screen size, features, hard vs. virtual keys, etc. That sounds great--but will the same APP run on all those flavors? No. The app market will be fragmented among incompatible models. There's no good way out of that--it's one advantage Apple's model will hang on to.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.
  • arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.

  • Azathoth
    May 2, 10:51 AM
    It is safer to run under an administrator account all the time in OS X than in Windows. On Windows, the administrator is almost the equivalent to the root account on *nixes and as such has unrestricted access to any and all files on the system.

    Windows Vista & 7 have the UAC - meaning that admin accounts are effectively the same as on *nix & OS X.

    It works well (on Win7)

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.
  • arcelona fc wallpaper 2011.

  • Sounds Good
    Apr 14, 07:32 PM
    I start a thread on

    "I enjoy Restaurant Win, but sometimes, I see an ad for Restaurant Mac and several friends tell me how much they love Restaurant Mac. I'm starting to wonder if Restaurant Mac should be my new favorite. I've passed by and looked in the window, I've checked out the menu by the front door. It seems nice, there's usually a good crowd. I really don't have specific reason to change, but it could be better than Restaurant Win. Please tell me all the negatives about switching.

    Later on in the thread, I comment: "Gee, you don't like the filet mignon at at Restaurant Mac? That stinks, I order that a lot at Restaurant Win; and no shrimp scampi on the menu? Lots of other comments that make this look like a bad change. Well, I was mostly curious, I'm good with Restaurant Win."

    I honestly have no interest in convincing you to switch, you may be better off with windows, but the fact is, I set myself up for this outcome. Why?

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. FC Barcelona Wallpaper
  • FC Barcelona Wallpaper

  • rhett7660
    Feb 11, 12:53 PM
    I've been an iPhone for years, starting with the original iPhone then the 3G, then the 3GS. I firmly believed that I would be getting the next iPhone...until I had a chance to play with the Motorola Droid!

    Let me explain. I'm not brand loyal won't go on a stupid forum to claim the iPhone is the best phone...because..I happen to own one. That is rather childish. I choose to own whatever i deem best for me. A few years ago it WAS the it IS the Droid.

    Open source, yes could be hard for developers to develop Apps for different versions of hardware, but many developers are not focusing their Apps to the most popular phone (ie..Droid) so the Apps runs bug-free. Debatable about apps running bug free on any platform.

    The UI interface and ability to customize is amazing! This would be nice

    External memory card allows for apps as well as data to be easily backed up. If an Iphone craps may have your iTunes backup. What if your PC dies too (yes it happened to me) your data is lost! And to restore data, you need another iPhone to get AT your data. Not so with Droid, all your data is on your memory card!

    Ability to install and load what you want. Wow, it feels so nice to be able to do what you want, with what's YOURS! No need to Apples approval, especially when it comes to 'moral' stuff. We're all adults, let us do what we want..even if it's porn.

    Ability to run programs in the background. This is the single MOST important feature to me. Imagine reminders that SPEAK to me to buy Milk when I'm close to my grocery store!!!! Or to mail something when I'm close to the Post office! This would be nice..

    Calendar that automatically synch with Google calendar. No extra fees for Mobile Me..and works absolutely perfectly! Unlike Mobile Me..which I had. You can do this too without Mobile Me on the iPhone

    Same for Gmail..instant notification! You can get this on the iPhone

    The list goes on and on!!!!

    Please don't take this as IPhone bashing. It's a great phone, especially with iTunes and I can integrate into my car stereo. But the benchmark has been raised.
    Just have an open mind, try other phones and you'll be impressed!!!

    See bold area's.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. FC Barcelona Squad 2010 / 2011
  • FC Barcelona Squad 2010 / 2011

  • BJNY
    Oct 14, 08:21 AM
    HP to announced quad-core workstations on Nov. 13th

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. FC Barcelona Thierry Henry by
  • FC Barcelona Thierry Henry by

  • pkson
    Apr 21, 08:41 PM
    If you don't mind, I would like to explain that.

    I cannot vouch for all the people. I can vouch for most that I have seen.

    I am a part of TI, SerDes which is designed in TI, UK [UK Design]. I have been to TI's headquarters [Dallas, Texas], a number of items, and everytime I go, I have seen people using iPhones and blackberries. TI still gives BB's to all the employees, but most have their personal iPhones. It was really hard to spot a guy using an android phone out of close to a thousand people I could spot on campus.

    We run most of our software on SunOS 2.6 [Solaris]. We do some of our development work on Windows [which is a PAIN in the OS for no native support for PERL, Python, ClearCase, etc].

    The reason I believe that's the case is because:

    1. The most important: people have a life. They don't wish to tinker with the phones; whether its easy or hard, they just have no time. We buy smartphones to work for us and do everything on their own. We don't want to work for our 'smartphone' to make it usable. People just don't have time.

    2. The quality of service Apple provides is hands down. The best customer service for any product that is theirs. It's great.

    3. iPhone is probably the most usable phone at this time. Android is just on the other side. Widgets/Customization that's about it. Low quality apps/ No apps is the case there.

    People want something that just works without much effort. These things are to simplify our lives and not complicate, so that we can concentrate on actual work.

    Some people get this; some don't.

    After reading through the whole thread, I really liked this post.

    It's funny how the phrase "It just works" can be used in both ways.

    The best part is that it comes from an un-disputable IT person. Thanks for putting in the weight. :)

    Working smoothly is probably one of the biggest reasons the iPhone could gain so much ground.

    So hats off to you sir.

    PS. I love TI. My dad used to use an old TI scientific calculator in the 80s, and I still have a soft spot for TI. (Used to live in TX as well! haha)

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. FC Barcelona Wallpaper #1
  • FC Barcelona Wallpaper #1

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 25, 12:24 AM
    I don't think many atheists actually feel that a god absolutely does not exist. Atheism is simply the lack of a belief in a god but most atheists, I believe, are agnostic in the actual existence. While lacking in a belief about a god, most would keep an open mind on the issue or would say it's impossible to know either way.
    Floptical cube's post sounds like an excellent description of agnosticism. But every atheist I've ever met has believed that there's no God.

    I think it's important to remember that, although people can feel emotions about beliefs, beliefs aren't emotions. I don't feel that there's a God. I believe that there is one. I feel happiness, sadness, loneliness, hurt, and so forth. I believe that those feelings exist, but I don't believe that happiness, say, is either a truth or a falsehood. I don't believe that it's a conformity between my intellect and reality. My belief that there's a pine tree in my front yard is true because there is a pine tree there that causes my belief to be true. The tree will still be there 10 minutes from now, even if someone or something fools me into believing that it's gone. The truth or falsehood of my belief depends on the way things are in the world. I can't cause that tree to exist by merely believing that it does exist. I can't make it stop existing by simply believing that it doesn't exist, can I?

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc 2011 wallpaper.
  • arcelona fc 2011 wallpaper.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 28, 03:22 AM
    Then you don't accept us as we are. All of us are what we do. That's the measure of any human being. We can all say all kinds of things, but in the end, what we do is what matters.
    Then I don't know what you mean by "accept."

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpaper team.
  • arcelona fc wallpaper team.

  • Swift
    Mar 18, 03:44 PM
    DRM is a big, fat target for every hacker in the world. I doubt very much it will ever be perfect. It can't be. It would be easy to encrypt music so badly that you couldn't play it. To allow legit users to listen to it means the key is already there. The hacker just finds it.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. Page arcelona wallpaper apr ,
  • Page arcelona wallpaper apr ,

  • gollum
    Nov 28, 08:38 AM
    I very rarely get dropped calls on AT & T (been with them since LA Cellular)

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. 100%
  • 100%

  • KidStallyn
    Mar 18, 11:47 AM
    ATT already requires me to have data with an iPhone. There is NO option to say no. If they find that you have an iPhone without a data plan, they will make you add it. Regardless of how you obtained your phone.

    Now, I "chose" the option to use "unlimited" data out of the 3 options. Data, therefore is defined as 1s and 0s at their basic level. Does it really matter if my phone is getting those 1s and 0s or if my phone is just a pass thru for those 1s and 0s. Does ATT incur any extra fees for those PCs 1s and 0s that they would not otherwise incur on the iPhones 1s and 0s. No. They do not. This is a great big scam to get an extra $20/month from those people who chose to get the plan. Is the tethering feature somethign that ATT designed on the phone?? I'm saying hardware and software. Did ATT design any software or Hardware on the phone that would allow or prohibit tethering. NO. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING required from ATT to enable tethering. Mi-Wi proves this.

    I would understand if ATT developed an App like Mi-Wi that enabled tethering on your iPhone. Charge whatever they want. But the fact is, they did not do that. My phone is allowed to use unlimited number of 1s and 0s.

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc wallpaper. nov
  • arcelona fc wallpaper. nov

  • SMM
    Oct 21, 12:52 PM
    It will come, just not with the initial production models. With the quad-core chips, Intel is already running into FSB bandwidth issues as it is. The Clovertowns are essentially dual Woodcrest CPUs stuck on the same die, sharing the same FSB and communication between the first duo-core CPU and the second duo-core CPU on that die must travel onto the FSB and into the other CPU. Between the two cores that are linked directly, data sharing can be handled through the L1 cache. So, depending on your application, the 8-core may be no better than a 4-core system -- if what your'e doing is already maxing out your CPU bus bandwidth. Somwhere down the road as Intel shifts to its 45nm production process and fully integrates all 4 cores on a single CPU (and later, 8 cores on die), we will see massive improvements in inter-core bandwidth. They will have to step-up on the FSB bandwidth though... Possibly by increasing the MHz, but more than likely we'll see some of that combined with increasing the width of the data path and possibly using multiple parallel FSB designs. ...Going to be interesting, that's for sure. And with Intel's new process and the plans for continuously jamming more cores onto a die at higher speeds, I think we're in for a real ride over the next 5 years or so.

    Absolutely agree. It must be exciting to be an EE working on this stuff right now. So many options to explore. How would you design a memory bus which would be dynamic enough to adjust for a doubling of processors? If you had a fixed, known number of processors, the design is straight-forward. But, the new multi-core design is not something they have had to deal with before. I wonder how they will do it?

    barcelona fc wallpaper 2011. arcelona fc 2011 kit.
  • arcelona fc 2011 kit.

  • technicolor
    Sep 21, 05:52 AM
    it won't have any dvr functionality... it'll just be frontrow on your tv, and nothing else. woopdee freaking doo

    I have no plans on purchasing this, unless its magically has DVR ability

    Oct 7, 12:27 PM
    yeah that they were also sure that chicago would get the olympics! It didnt happen...

    Once android gets a grip on apple and its actually at the point where they could have that chance Apple will change the game! Thats just how it goes... There is a reason why so many people stand behind Apple's products....

    Apr 9, 09:28 AM
    Ummm.... everyone that's into gaming HATES Activision.

    So does that means you didn't like Jungle Hunt?

    mac jones
    Mar 12, 04:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Common sense would tell you the reactor itself didn't explode some 4 hours ago.

    Don't you think if that had been the case the headlines would be everywhere? Considering it would trigger large government response and evacuations, it wouldn't exactly be easy to hide, and given how the media jumps at any bone any source throws them just to be first rather than accurate should show that it wasn't the reactor itself because all they are reporting is an unknown explosion. These plants aren't exactly simple, "Here's the gate, there's the reactor." They are very complex, large facilities with many many parts.

    Something exploded at the complex facility, but it wasn't the reactor.

    Not gonna bother replying to the rest at this point being I'm on a phone.

    You sure about this? I hope your right.

    Mar 14, 06:32 AM
    actually the situations has became rather grave now over the night: another hydrogen explosion at the reactor 3 even bigger than the one which destroyed the the building on the block nr1
    and now also a cooling failure at the reactor number 2 where after some reports the water levels have dropped so far that the fuel rods aren't covered completly anymore

    regarding the US navy driving through a nuclear cloud: just further confirmation that more has leaked than they admit:
    just yesterday a nuclear warning was coming from a a third nuclear plant only that they then realized that it was not their own radiation but actually the radition from the fukushima plant from more than 100 miles away

    edit: according to some comments of the 5 emergency fire brigade water pumps used for pumping sea water into the reactors 4 aren't in working conditions partially because of the explosion: so now they have 1 pump to cool 3 reactors ? ... not looking good

    Apr 20, 05:31 PM
    Zero on both platforms? If they exists in 2.021

    Android has plenty of malware issues, including virus like programs.