Saturday, May 14, 2011

pokemon wii 2011

pokemon wii 2011. Pokemon Battle Revolution PAL
  • Pokemon Battle Revolution PAL

  • alexph
    Mar 29, 01:45 PM
    Guess this will affect iPod, iPhone and iPad - I wonder if that is the reason why iPhone5 will be dlayed till fall or even next year. Not much good in hyping up new products if many of your core components are unobtainable. I imagine that it not just batteries that all manufacturers will have problems with.

    The Japanese are resilient, but it will take years for them to fully recover.


    pokemon wii 2011. been a chipmunk Pokemon,
  • been a chipmunk Pokemon,

  • Ori
    Apr 18, 04:32 PM
    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be standardized
    (e.g. copied) for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    The car industry isn't a good one to look at actually. A new top end S Class merc has hundreds of new patents with every modem revamp it does. Car companies constantly pay royalties to each other to use tech. Especially safety tech.

    pokemon wii 2011. Pokemon Battle Revolution Wii
  • Pokemon Battle Revolution Wii

  • macwrangler
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    No one cares! Did you know your computer saves information about stuff you do???!!! Oh my! Now, your computer-phone saves stuff too! Exploitation!

    They may as well put it on the worthless evening news...."Tonight @ 11, what could be killing you and your children...your iPhone (but not a droid)."

    Shut it, please.

    pokemon wii 2011. Wii 2 @ E3 2011: What do
  • Wii 2 @ E3 2011: What do

  • ikir
    May 6, 02:15 AM
    Also from 68k --> PPC

    i Don't think this switch to ARM will happen, but anyway i'm sure Apple will do it well like did in the past. Some platform just died tried to change cpu.

    pokemon wii 2011. 7) Just Dance 2 (Wii)
  • 7) Just Dance 2 (Wii)

  • jrtc27
    May 6, 02:46 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Please Apple, don't do this. You are just finishing the transition from PowerPC to Intel by removing Rosetta from Lion and you're already planning on switching architectures again. Are they TRYING to fragment their Macs?

    pokemon wii 2011. Nintendo confirms Pokémon
  • Nintendo confirms Pokémon

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:25 PM
    Because those screens WILL look better to those normal customers. Text and graphics will look sharper, and clearer.

    The iPhone screen, before the retina screen, had a higher resolution than macs. People could not see individual pixels. Despite that, ask any Tom Dick or Harry on the street, and they will be unequivocal that the Retina screen is far better looking than the 3GS screens.

    The iPhone, before the current model had a screen res of 320 x 480

    The first iMac, made 13 years ago in 1998 (the G3) had a screen res of 1024x768 the same as an iPad2 they are making today.

    The first Apple Mac in 1984, 27 years ago had a screen res of 512�342 on a black and white screen.

    I don't know where you get your statement than the "iPhone had a higher resolution than macs"

    pokemon wii 2011. True Pokemon Title Not Coming
  • True Pokemon Title Not Coming

  • aafuss1
    Sep 11, 09:16 AM
    Good find!

    I'd like to see iPod5/6th Gen tubes, similar to the nano's.

    pokemon wii 2011. out on his Pokemon quest.
  • out on his Pokemon quest.

  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 10:38 PM
    I'd like for you to explain how iOS implementations as a UI are actually useful to the desktop OS?
    - Keep in mind that drawing characters on the Trackpad is already in Snow Leopard; Auto Save/Restore like I said is just Time Machine in a different direction, Mission Control is a Task Manager for Expose (I feel its the WRONG direction really; this is not a classic smartphone), and Lion Server seems to be more a "home server" with features stripped or missing.

    Many things are STILL not known and until we all try them out in full production use means we ALL have a mindset that is not up to par of what Apple believes can benefit us all.

    Either way we have another 10 more years with OS X; or the technologies it offers - Steve Jobs OS X Introduction.

    Application Launcher - Useful for organizing apps
    Versions - Useful for those who don't leave an external HDD plugged in at all times such as laptop users.
    Resume - Useful when you need to restart your Mac.
    Auto-save - Self explanatory.
    Mission Control - Useful because you can view EVERYTHING on your Mac at a quick glance your windows, spaces, full screen apps, dashboard, etc.
    Lion Server - Server functionality that wasn't there before unless you bought a server capable Mac.
    Air Drop - Useful for quick file sharing.
    Full screen apps - Useful when you are only doing one thing on your Mac or when you are using an app that uses a lot of real estate.

    Want me to explain any more features for you?

    pokemon wii 2011. Wii 2011 Release Schedule
  • Wii 2011 Release Schedule

  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 03:40 PM
    the past 3 OSes can't be copied, and so far there's nothing to suggest we can just make backup copies of Lion.

    Nothing suggests we can't either.

    Of the past 3 OSes you cite, only one of them has been released since Apple got serious about digital distribution with the iPhone App store. We're :gasp: entering unprecedented territory here folks. Just because something could or couldn't be done before doesn't mean it can or can't be done in Lion.

    pokemon wii 2011. Best Offer - Wii Hardware
  • Best Offer - Wii Hardware

  • MattDell
    Sep 15, 07:06 PM
    Of course MBPs are being updated... I BOUGHT ONE TODAY! :rolleyes:


    pokemon wii 2011. Pokemon Black amp; White: TCG
  • Pokemon Black amp; White: TCG

  • quinney
    Apr 5, 02:37 PM
    So uh what exactly would Toyota lose if they tell Apple to stick it? At best all I can guess are licenses to use use an iPod trademark or something similar to integrate into the car stereo, if they even have that option. I can't think of anything else.

    Hundreds of millions of iPods have been sold, and people want to be able to control them through their cars' audio systems. Toyota knows the importance of this by the number of people who go into their showrooms and ask if their cars have this feature. I think it is really quite important and may be a deciding feature for people who are comparing cars of different brands, which are otherwise quite similar. Toyota is making a good business decision.

    pokemon wii 2011. kirby wii 2011. weve barely
  • kirby wii 2011. weve barely

  • ntnwwnet
    Aug 12, 12:15 AM
    If they made it a little taller it should be easy-peasy for Apple to fit the necessary cooling. Hey, if they're making it taller, they could add a 3.5" Hard Drive which is much cheaper than laptop hard drives and we could finally get a 500GB Mini.

    But then it wouldn't be a Mac Mini, now would it?

    (My first MR post. Ever.)

    pokemon wii 2011. new wii 2011. New Wii HD.
  • new wii 2011. New Wii HD.

  • tstreete
    Nov 5, 12:51 PM
    Has anyone tested the unit with Navigon? That would be the only reason I would buy it.
    Also, with Google coming up with a free turn-by-turn navigation app... what will happen with the ones we have to pay for?

    Haven't tried it with Navigon, but I have tried it with Google Maps, MotionX GPS lite, and G-Map east, and they all work fine (i.e., using the TomTom mount's gps, not the iphone's internal one), so I can't think of a reason why Navigon wouldn't work.

    pokemon wii 2011. Wii Pictures
  • Wii Pictures

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 09:50 AM
    +1. My IP is being logged right now most likely. No matter where you go, using any communication device, you can be tracked. If you're that paranoid, get off the grid. Every phone company tracks your location. This for iPhone users is just a log of it on your phone.

    I do agree, however, that the consolidated.db file should at least be encrypted if it is to remain on the device. Now any good crook knows all they need is your iphone to find out when best to rob you.

    What is actually tracked is not _your_ location, it is the location of WiFi basestations around the country. Which Google, Apple, and Skyhook use for their "poor man's GPS" that allows a device with WiFi but without working GPS to find its location. Skyhook started this by having cars drive round the country, recording the position of WiFi devices. Google and Apple, having the infrastructure, use a more efficient method to do this - instead of driving cars throught the country, they use people's iPhones or Android phones to collect the same data. Note they are not collecting _your_ data, they are collecting the data of WiFi base stations that you happen to pass with your iPhone.

    The database file is most likely there so your phone knows which information it has already sent, so it doesn't send info about the same basestation twice. That should be easily checkable - is the database full with hundreds of copies of your home location or not? Does it have dozens of copies of locations along your way to work? I think each location is recorded only once, so a crook stealing the phone would know places where I have been, but not how often I go where. So they would have very little clue where to find me.

    And the whole scenario seems very unlikely. It would be very, very rare that a specific person is robbed intentionally. That robber will most likely come to your home without having any idea who lives there, or wait in a dark alleyway and rob the next person to come along, not stealing your phone in order to find other information about you and rob you again. It is just a hypothetical danger that is not actually going to happen.

    But what actually does happen and worries me (well, I'm not worried, but some people should be), is that apparently it is possible to access Google's database. There is a website where you can enter the MAC address of your router, and it will find its location. It found mine within about 100 meters. That might make it possible to find people who don't want to be found. So anyone who moves to escape a stalker, or goes into witness protection, they better not take their router with them to the new home.

    pokemon wii 2011. 8) Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
  • 8) Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

  • inkswamp
    Nov 22, 02:31 PM
    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

    Oh fercrissake! These corporate types just never learn, do they? Remember when digital photography came along and Kodak said it was not worth the time to bother with? Remember when music stores and music player companies sat around and ignored the iPod and iTunes? Remember when Microsoft wasn't so sure about this new fad called the Internet?

    You either learn from history or you repeat it. If Apple unveils some interesting new take on the cell phone, these same guys are going to be crying foul over it, and yet they've had all the time in the world to prepare for it and--better yet--do something really innovative on their own. I hope Apple does pull off another iPod-style shake-up. I despise the way most cell phones are (over)designed and don't function the way you would expect. I'd love to see Apple come at it from their own design viewpoint and freak everyone out.

    pokemon wii 2011. new Wii HD coming in 2011,
  • new Wii HD coming in 2011,

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 07:01 AM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)

    Oh mate, it's gonna be bedlam...

    pokemon wii 2011. Limited Edition Pokemon Black
  • Limited Edition Pokemon Black

  • MacRumors
    Aug 3, 10:24 PM (

    Appleinsider reports ( that according to their sources, Apple is expected to quickly adopt Intel's newest line of processors - the mobile Core 2 Duo - which was announced last week (

    According to a source familiar with the Mac maker's plans, the company is slated to receive mass shipments of the new Merom Core 2 Duo processors by the first week of September and plans to be amongst the first PC manufacturers to introduce systems based on the new chips.

    Apple's current iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro and Mac mini use the original Core Duo/Solo chips which were introduced earlier this year. Early unconfirmed rumors hinted that Apple was very interested ( in getting the Merom chips as early as possible. This rumor indicates that Apple will remain aggressive with their product line upgrades.

    The first Core 2 Duo (Merom) benchmarks ( have already been making the rounds:

    pokemon wii 2011. Mar 22, 2011 5:34 pm PT
  • Mar 22, 2011 5:34 pm PT

  • JoeG4
    Apr 21, 10:15 PM
    I always thought the case was one of the best things about the Mac Pro.

    If only Apple would do what tons of people have been whining and screaming and begging Apple for - shove a regular i7 + nice board with some PCIe slots + REGULAR DDR3 in there and sell it as a Mac Sorta Pro.


    pokemon wii 2011. in the 2011 Pokémon Black
  • in the 2011 Pokémon Black

  • DiamondMac
    Mar 29, 11:12 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    Some people like me change computers often and prefer having things in the cloud

    Okay, nice, guys. This is MacRumors, not AmazonRumors. Who gives a crap about Amazon? Move along now.

    Huh? This very much so is a MacRumors issue. Apple will be competing with this

    Mar 30, 11:51 AM
    I don't see how Amazon's Cloud UI could be much better. It does follow Apple's UI, but hey, guess what? They're not Apple. Their UI IS very simple, I'd argue elegant and looks functional. As for a UI being 'cultural', you'll have to explain that one...

    Lol, I didn't think that my statements would be very controversial, but apparently there are people here that do not quite have an eye for good design. Sorry.

    Steve has spoken about Apple taking culture into their designs and products for many years. One example I listed is the beautiful new start menu in iMovie for iPad that is the marque of an old theater that even has the lights power up with authentic sound and visuals as the app opens to showcase your projects in a gallery of movie posters on the wall. Very creative and cultural!

    Apr 24, 12:04 PM
    I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.

    Just say what screen resolution you would like.

    Jul 23, 11:14 PM
    If sales are strong they put off updates, if they are slack they roll out new stuff.

    This time Intel jumped the gun so Apple may take longer to respond.

    You missed my entire point - Apple can't put off updates just because "sales are strong." The "other guys" (Dell, HP, Sony, etc.) upgrade to new technology as soon as they can ramp up production, and Apple won't be, and can't be, "late to the dance" with technology that they all have simultaneous access to. Particularly CPU's. Graphics chips .... well, there they may fudge a bit, especially with 2 brands to select from, but not processor upgrades.

    There's no way we'll wait until "November/December," unless Intel fails to deliver Merom, as predicted. If any laptops have Merom sooner, so will Apple.



    Aug 2, 11:24 AM
    I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.

    I agree with this 100%.

    Dec 9, 10:33 AM
    OK, I've had it on my MBP for about 3 weeks and I've noticed the spinning beach ball a lot more than I remember... no crashes though.

    I've just taken it off; or at least tried to. I used AppDelete and it took off everything except the icon on my top bar. When I click on the icon, it says there are updates available... dooooh...

    Reinstall it and use the built-in uninstaller. NEVER trust anything but official uninstallers when it comes to antivirus apps.