Friday, July 20, 2007

WEEKEND READING: July 14-20, 2007

There was a glut of interesting stuff to sift through this week, so I can put a guaranteed stamp of "Awesome" on all of these links.

ITEM ONE: Josh Stephens has penned yet another great post for Planetizen's Interchange blog. The topic: Europerfection and the untapped potential of American surface lots.

ITEM TWO: My employer, the Corporation for National and Community Service, has a new report out that suggests that commute times affect volunteerism rates in American metros.

ITEM THREE: WorldChanging features a Q&A with Clare Lockhart and Ashraf Ghani on Afghanistan's National Solidarity Program and the future of the country.

ITEM FOUR: BLDGBLOG is taking the extra room fantasies of Manhattanites and turning them into a radio program.

ITEM FIVE: Mapping walkability = coolest mashup ever.

ITEM SIX: The witty Part IV posts a letter entitled "Dear Architects: I am sick of your shit." Hilarity ensues.

ITEM SEVEN: A book about carfree living that doesn't come across as preachy? A review on MSN claims the impossible.

Adios, compadres. See you next week.

(Photo from Flickr user shadeofmelon.)