It's only Wednesday. I can't wait for everything to be over and done with. I can't wait for the one month study break. I can't wait to get out of Singapore and take a breather. I can't wait for SIP to start. Yes, I'm bloody sick and tired of whatever that's happening in my life, NOW.
I blame no one but myself for being sucha procrastinator. I've zero patience when it comes to handling work. I bitch together with my bitches whenever I feel upset, because this is the only way out to make me feel better. I get even more frustrated when things got screwed up and people irritated the hell outta me.
On Monday, awful stuffs I heard spoilt my entire day. At night when I was about to finish my MM individual at 3am, I realised I lost my thumbdrive and my IB. The next morning I missed Branding tutorial because I was too freaking tired to wake up on time. When I was printing the bloody project, things got screwed and in the end, my ezlink card is only enough to print my stuffs in blacknwhite when its supposed to be in colour. Some idiot had no manners to take away my chair without asking when I merely stood up for not more than 3seconds. (this one really chaocheebye)
Yesterday was the worse man. Shan't elaborate further. But I guess I needed a break. I find myself pretending to be someone that I don't want to be. I'm not voicing out as much as I do now. You know the feeling of being so tired to the extent that you can't even find the least energy to talk and laugh along together with the others? You realise your life is full of shit, your friends are being shitty but all you can do is just to suck thumb and live with it. You realise no matter how bad your day is gonna be/your day went, life goes on. You realise everyone only think for themselves. You realise everyone likes to live with judgement; they judge you based on looks, on academic results, the way you behave, the way you talk, the way you live your life. But at the end, as long as someone knows how to differentiate and balance between their private matters and school work, does it really matter?
Maybe, just maybe take it as I don't understand the others too. Each of us have our own matters to deal with.
Back to my Branding project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!